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Sunday, September 26, 2004

i dont what i have been up to lately.
i am ruining myself. i have been thinking too much.
reminisce the past.. that's all i've been doing.
the grandeur of everything we've shared.
oh whatever.
i actually cried when mr yong sort of.. scolded me in class.
tears just gushed out my ducts.
uncontrollably oozing.
i've not yet straightened out. well.. how can i?
it's driving me to dementia that is.
all the utopia.. euphoria.. aint happening.
ants. dammit. ants all over my study table.
its 2400 now. i am supposed to sleep at 2200. i promised myself.
i suck. my time plan is not even working.
fuck myself for being me.fuck myself for being ugly. fuck myself for being poor.
i hate it.
why do the wealthy people get everything they want?
while all the poor can do is suffer the misery they're put into.
why do the beautiful people get the people they want to be involved with?
while the ugly can do is look at the person walk away..
fade away... go away... get lost... eurgh...
i think 'spoilt' my own hand. i punched it on the wall.. and...
ta duh! there aint no blue black.. but..
it just hurts when i press the 'affected' area.
nothing is as hurt as my heart.
i've disappointed everyone.. my parents.. teachers.. friends?
but YOU.. eurgh.. nvm.. love your enemies..


11:56 PM;

Saturday, September 25, 2004

+exams are round the corner....
well well.. what do we have here? exams? n levels.. YAAY! cant wait for it..
i am so gonna study. please FORCE me to study. anyone, EVERYONE!
i needa get good results.. all at least b3?? C; hahs.. what low expctations i have..
according to catherine tay li jun.
anyhows.. i dreamt bout the person last night.
the person came and fetch me to school.
dammit. dreams that you remember wont come true. so oh well..
dont live in the past anymore..
i am gonna look towards the future i have.. and live it well!!!
i wont be online for.. like 2 weeks? so if you ever see me online these few days...
TELL ME TO STUDY! i NEED to mug!!!! i am so slacking for the moment. :S
eurgh.. i need a tuition graduate to tutor me. mUahhaHAhahahHahaHaahAa..

`one l i f e , l i v e it ____ **ugLynn

10:29 AM;

Thursday, September 23, 2004

oh.. YAAY! my blog is working once again thanks to my sister.. TAH-duh-duh-DAH-duh-DAH!~
and sorry vince for bothering you in whatsoever ways.. sorry..!


i have so much to express yet i cant express myself in words..
i am here, all alone to help myself since the person who made me fall left me to pick myself up.
this melancholy that i have to face alone, is bringing me down, breaking me up.
i am gonna collapse soon.
the pimples, the during menses stress, the melancholy, the teachers, the exams. YOU. everything.
but well.. my darling sister (the 1st one) is getting engaged next tuesday.
i browsed through the dresses..
but nothing seems to suit me. mUAHhAHAhahAHhahahahA..
it seems like.. i have no worries, no tears, no fears.. nothing..
nah.. i am just.. casting it aside.. pretending to be strong..
the mask of facade is soon tearing apart, i have to mend things by myself.
since i stand all alone.
NO BAND, NO LIFE. i MUST see the going-to-graduate-GRADUATES. soon.
and if the sky falls down on me, i'd be here to push the skies up.
since nothing can make me strong, but myself.
watch passion of the christ.. and EMBRACE.
it'd make you stronger. trust me.
that's what happened to me. C; and my sista if i aint wrong.
if he could overcome the pain when he was human,
why cant i? -believeinmiracles-

`the joie de vivre___**

11:06 PM;

Sunday, September 12, 2004

hopefully what cat says is true!! TESTING TESTING!!!

a h H h H h H h h H h h h h H h H H h H . . . . . . ! ! !

i am bored man.. something please enlighten my life with some glitterati and sparkling gossips.

i need the paparazi. anyone has gossips? tell me something! i have been out in the streets wandering for fresh gossips..

heard LOADS about that newly borned couple.. those malicious gossips of them cuddling and canoodling in the public.

atrocious! man. that.. basturd.. eWwWwwWww.. absolutely.. my prelims were.. OMG. dont talk bout it.

i am the most bimbotic bitch ever. man. my brains are right there under my butt. eurgh.

10:17 PM;


15th December

as long as i'm fine with it
who cares what the people say.

P.S. you don't have to read this.
i never invited you.

click here dopes.



Leave ♥

I'm not a typical female driver.
Go on tailgate me.


1AUG - QQ's party
1AUG - Lance's bday
3AUG - Alan's bday
4AUG - PracticalLesson1

5AUG - PracticalLesson2
7AUG - PracticalLesson3
9AUG - National Day!
17AUG - Zac's Bday
17AUG - PracticalLesson4
21AUG - Maria's Bday
24AUG - TaiTai's Bday
29AUG - JoonJek's Bday