♥ Sunday, December 17, 2006
I WAS THE BIRTHDAY GIRL ~hahaha. AWESOME! just awesome.
movie DEJA VU with skaters like.. javier, sky, wilsonp1, wilsonp2, maria, reeve, jasmine, kaixiang and lucas. i expected a cake. haha, cuz i saw.. them.. walking.. to secret recipe. hmm. more than just 18 candles lit. if i had the photo i'd post it. a pity i don't. blame lucas please. soooooooooo nice la. he planned the candles thingy and reeve helped. the tealight candles spell "love u lynn happy birthday." (: sweet huh! ooo~ i love i love. it was at the esplanade bridge where it all happened. super memorable. KNOW WHY? a few minutes after we cut and ate the cake.. 5-6 cops came. "excuse me your ic please. who's birthday is it?" then we just followed their orders lo. POLICE MA. -_- i seriously couldn't care less. especially the stupid uncle who was like "WILL YOU PLEASE JUST SIT FIRST AND WAIT. YOU HAVE ALL THE TIME TO SEE THIS AFTER WE LEAVE." f'ed up la! i haven't seen the candles right. he wasn't even the boss. then just listen la. dont want to make trouble. so as they were taking down god-knows-what from our identity cards.. lucas took out his camera and we started taking photos. HAHAHA. of all 10 of us. :x quite difficult so we made quite a ruckus on what to do. hahaha. NOW they can't say anything cuz we are already obeying their orders. but after everything was done, the only female cop was like "you all need me to help you take photo or not?" then i was like "YES!! of course thank you. you're the nicest." LOLS. so after we took a group photo.. we started lighting the candles. AND WE ACHEIEVED IT! even when the KIND wind blows it out every once in a while. (: i'm so happy. cuz it's super nice. especially when they helped to light the candles. hahaha. thank you kaixiang. thank you reeve. thanks to all. loves~
reached home at 3am plus. slept at 4am. cat called at 9am. x_x but.. she let me sleep till 12. HAHAHA. cuz 4 to 9= not enough sleep. so i slept till 12 and started preparing and she came at around.. 1.30pm. TADUH sunflower! my favourite xD~ and a card from my 3 favourite girls. nice nice. i LOVE<33. cab fare was on her, lunch was on her or rather them.. then.. we met sheena and zhian at 4plus at suntec starbucks. hahaha ANOTHER SUNFLOWER! xD~ awesome. and so.. a few minutes after we met up, we walked to marina square for a supposed shopping trip. hahaha. but sheena INSISTED on going to the toilet. HMM.. and so we stopped at the toilet exit. then they said "we are going to give you your present. but first, you have to be blindfolded." so cat started telling me your present in the toilet. your present is the toilet bowl.. -_- RIGHT! hahaha. and so cat covered my eyes with her palm, stuffed my ears with music from her ipod and they led the way. (oh my i'd never want to be blind. it's scary.. REAL scary..) and we went OUT of marina square.. and went into a lift.. hmm.. carpeted floor.. then lalalala. then "SURPRISE!!!" omgwth!?!?!? i was in room 902 of pan pacific hotel. OMGOMG. " you all booked the room?!?!" was the first thing i said la. which is obivously nonsense. DUH~ of course they booked the room la. -_- hahaha. and.. balloons on the floor. a birthday cake.. and PAN PACIFIC ROOM. xD~ then took photos la. duh~ we've planned to book a hotel room before for zhian's birthday but were all too broke then. and... i got the privellege. AWESOME. hahaha. so we went shopping for a while till it was 8plus 9. then bathed and headed to DXO. x_x sucked. music sucks that day. but i'm with my girls so i made fun out of it. hahaha. stupid seniors of hers made fun of her. seriously i could've kicked and slapped their faces. who are they? nothing to me at least. disgusting people.
then lucas.. ahem* wants his balloon pump. RIGHT! so sheena msged lucas cuz i was busy dancing. HAHAHAHA :x and they were like "LUCAS IS AT OUR HOTEL NOW." i asked "for what?" they all ganged up on me and said dont know. THANKS AH.. and so at 3am we headed back to the hotel.. and at the customer's service, there was a present with loads of balloons. cat "eh your present.", sheena "lynn, come and take your present..", me "huh? what present?", zhian "there. your present.", me "my present? no la.", cat "seriously your present! your friend lucas left it here.", me- confused. blur. muddled. we went over.. my present? 0.o balloons.. lucas. ya, it goes. "seriously my present?!" sheena " yes.. present from lucas." "OKAY.." whoa. very nice surprise indeed. even when my birthday was over. hahaha. still awesome. (: thank you girls. thank you lucas. loves~
wahahaha. no. who says my birthday is over? :x HAHAHAHA. 12pm. dinner with family. lols. splendid. so we met up with alfred erjie's(second sis) bf, dajie(eldest sis) and jiefu(brother-in-law) at takashimaya. crystal jade. HA. i knew it. but nvm. had a feast. loads of dim sum and the set lunch for 6 people. food food. i held the menu... then the waitresses were like.. "why not.. this.." then my dajie went "erm.. ask the boss -points to me" hahahaa. then another waitress asked my dad and my dad said "kan lao ban (see the boss) -looks at me". which means i am boss. HAHHAAHAHA. xD~ AWESOME. and so everyone ate and i was nice. i served everyone although i was boss. hahaha. so i fed all of them. then my jiefu who was beside me i gave him loads and loads of food. he went "you feed me then i feed you. then we feed until both of us self-destruct." hahaha. so funny. WAHAHAHAHAH. food. nice birthday celebration. (: i love~
how else more awesome can it get?! i had the BEST 18th birthday i can ever imagine. it couldn't get any better. maybe because 17th wasn't that important? that's why i was all alone that year. T_T maybe my 18th birthday was to compromise my 17th? haha. probably. (: I LOVE MY 18th BIRTHDAY. din get much presents.. but.. the surprises and moments are enough to fill my memories. these.. will be deeply etched in my mind. (: thank you, all.

from sky's hp. (:
10:06 PM;
♥ Wednesday, December 13, 2006
for someone as insolent and obviously foolish..
and for a wise and noble one like me, or any of the rest whose names are mentioned,
we shall forgive and forget. (:
ANYWAY, such silly entries.. i can't be bothered la really. HAHAHA.
YAY! finally.. term break! hohoho. 2 weeks. -_-
i'm putting on weight. MRS FU says i'm fat. yes, my mum. and she keeps wearing my crocs. RAHH. idiot.
listening to: Avril Lavigne- Losing Grip
ok.. i'm off sweethearts. (: love ya all.
3:34 PM;
♥ Thursday, December 07, 2006
blabablibehblu.okay i need to rush through this post lest my sister goes mad and starts screaming.THIS IS COPIED FROM CAT! hahaha. omg she spoke my mind. ((: not my entry but what i think about relationships. it's true, really.Relationships and MarriageI have never actually met many people who have marriage in mind when they look for a girl/boyfriend, that is until i enrolled into the ultimate weird school.In fact if my memory does not fail me i do recall us 5unity-ians mocking a certain currypuff who constantly reminded everyone around him that he intended to marry his girlfriend in 7 years' time.Point is back then no one actually thought about marriage much, and everyone was living for the moment.I was pretty amused when i heard a bud of mine go "I need to get laid more often. I've only laid 1 person so far you know!" but i must say that i wasn't exactly shocked or the least bit surprised.You see, to me it feels more normal to hear someone go "She's damn hot, i wouldn't mind shagging her"than to get something like "Of course we're going to get married! If not together for what?!"So you can imagine the culture shock i got when i first heard one lamenting that another sees no point in prolonging his relationship with his current squeeze because "he cannot see them getting married, and suddenly there seems no point in staying together."HELLO?When i say that BACK THEN everyone liveD for the moment i meant likeONE year back?So when i was 17, everyone around me got together because they wanted toand now that i am 18, suddenly the people around me get together because THEY REALLY LOVE EACH OTHER AND WANT TO GET MARRIED AND WAKE UP TO THE SAME FACE FOR THE NEXT 40 YEARS OF THEIR LIVES?Fuck it, this is insane.The worst thing is, they give me the "Fuck it, YOU are insane" kind of look when i tell them my theory about getting into a relationship.First and foremost, i cannot get into a relationship where my partner and i know too much about each other.There must be more stuff that we will discover about each other along the way.Knowing every single thing about your partner and being able to accurately guess what they are about to do/say/eat/choose next will become BORING after some time, and boring relationships are.... boring.Secondly, relationships serve a certain purpose - to help to determine what kind of character you really suit/need/want.AND lastly relationships are for you to grow, mentally i mean.If you dont break up you wouldn't know how it hurts and scars and kills a part of you. I mean, probably no one would really want to get hurt and everything, but then what if you divorce with your husband someday and have no prior experience with dealing with breakups?Then how?Then how?See. Experience will prove itself useful someday ok.IN CONCLUSION i think what i have just listed out makes total sense.Thus i still cannot fathom how people can tell me that they intend to not be with anyone until they are in university, and that that person will be their significant other for the rest of their livesORthat they will get married to their current squeeze.lalala. wait. term-tests will start next monday. great. awesome. i'm not ready. and and and.. WHAT 7th of december?! 0.o oh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAVIN!!! pao pao jia you! AND (my sister's rushing me alr. wtf.) YES HOLIDAYS!!! forget about anything in between the tests and holidays. really. (: GOODBYE. wth. this is not even a post. -_- thanks cat for filling it up. HA HA :x sleep early sweets!
12:12 AM;