♥ Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Miss Izzy, SPG aka Sarong Party Girls.if none of you know, this girl is one of the most recognised blogger worldwide for having the guts to openly discuss about things related to sex, religion, politics and etc. she is also very open about herself, that she posts nude photographs of herself to gain recognition in the world of blogosphere. well, not exactly nude luh, but erotic (not to me) photos that she had taken with professional photographers. SPG means women who only go after caucasian men (check the full meaning of it on wikipedia). hmm, sounds interesting right?
http://clicknetwork.tv/watch.aspx?c=1&p=2&v=30(one of xiaxue's online enemy. the show Girls' Out Loud was played like i-don't-know-how-long-ago but i just found this out recently. call me sua ku, i bet many others din know about her as well!)
only the first half of the episode is about Miss Izzy, real name to be Isabelle Tan, being interviewed by Xiaxue and Ros. Both of the hosts damn cute and funny luh.
on the other hand, the interviewee is (to me, MY PERSONAL opinions) just revolting. her accent, her gestures, her elegance, things about her was damn fake. i don't deny that she does have a very good writing style and that she is ADORED by A LOT OF PEOPLE. eeks. try googling it, she's already missing in action BECAUSE she, has already made herself to HOLLYWOOD.
fuck that.
i saw her on TV (vip access: star movies), holding i-don't-know-who-is-that-stupid-old-man's hand, strolling on the red carpets of hollywood, being photographed by many. she was staged with some other bigger stars like penelope cruz and some men which i din see cus i focused my eyes on Miss Izzy. (maybe i saw wrongly but i'm SURE THAT it is her because i can RECOGNISE that face. you see her face can tell already luh because it's pretty abstract like her art pieces. :l)
just by having openly discuss about your sexuality, posting weirdass photos of yourself in tight, unbreatheable, shiny leather maid costumes and publicising your liking towards caucasians and not chinese men (because 'angmohs' have BIGGGGG penis and the chinese men are just so tiny), you can make yourself appear in hollywood?!
i straight away googled her. yes, i wanted to see her "sexy erotic" photos, the way she writes and what about her that is so great. seems like her newest blog is closed,
http://www.missizzy.org/ (leads you to some 'erotic' page that when you click anything at all it's still the same page, yes i tried cus i wanted to know more about this missy) and her old one
http://www.sarongpartygirl.blogspot.com/ was updated like many years ago.
a lot of people blogged about her. most of them criticising her because she had too much to show, her telling the world that asian men cannot satisfy a woman because of their small dicks and her faked accents.
she did say about people who fake accents unnaturally are fake. hmm. so she considers faking an accent NATURALLY is au naturel? (in another meaning YES SHE IS AU NATUREL.) haha. she's really witty, smart, well with words but after all the posting of au naturel photos just downs her image. (in
my personal opinions luh, i must
emphasize that.) because she didn't have to do something like that. it's like as though her body is something to be publicised (which happened and gained many supporters).
there are also very well known writer's in the blogosphere (world wide) that met miss izzy and said that she was someone very fun to be with because she could talk about everything and it doesn't bother her even if the topics are embarrassing. i haven't met her, don't know anything about her but ya, you all should find out about her. something interesting to think about. haha. (NOT HAVING EROTIC THOUGHTS. just about her behaviour, whether to you it bugs your conscience.)
anw, i don't have any opinions about her aiming for angmohs only. because different people have different likings and that's natural. *sings* " she like big dicks and she cannot hide. " EEEEEEEEEE. bigger dicks are cute is it? i also want one then i can poke people. :D
extracted a paragraph from her blog. she has pretty impeccable writing style. (but in another meaning, it's not impeccable writing because lust is a sin! aiyaa. go figure.)
"Just move on already. So I have sex with my boyfriend, and before that I had sex with about a dozen people, that’s normal. If you think we’re any better than animals, you can forget it. When it comes down to our biological behaviour, we’re no more bereft of self-control, and we are no more amenable or beatific. What differentiates us is our ability to create beyond any need for the satisfaction of biological instincts. The sooner we get over things that we can’t change, the sooner we can get to the things that bring true joy to the human spirit. "
and taduh! that's Miss Izzy for you. cool huh, i like the way she blogs. :D go explore explore. find out more about her tell me okay! haha. hugs!
2:53 PM;
♥ Monday, July 28, 2008
HOLY MACKEREL.my post on 25th july is like super alike to one of the skater's post on 19th july. :l go figure!
omgosh luh. it's like i literally copied what she had said and modified it into my own words. amazing. but no, i never read her blog until i was blog hopping today.
awesome discovery. eh, i really din know about it luh! tsk tsk.
but i really wrote whatever that was on my mind then.
so distracting, haha.
anw, punggol nasi lemak on saturday was really funny. ziwei is stupid. HAHA. don't ask me why, he is. everyone should know why. skate to stop also can fall down. really his signature move. HAHA. dumb.
HELLO, my boyfriend is sexier than you. :D stupid boyfriend!
4:06 PM;
♥ Saturday, July 26, 2008
my best friend.
it's funny how someone i've met to be rather ordinary turned out to be so (i don't know what word actually fits the bill).. he was nothing but a mere friend, someone i would normally say hi and bye to and not care about it.
but to him it was something really sincere and something that could leave him going home smiling happy. he thought it was something straight from the heart and stuffs.. to me? hey, i know that guy! say hi lor since i know him.. 'HI HUMAN!!'
it's funny how i got to know him.
he had this funny hair that doesn't suit him. he was petite and good with talking (to girls? customers? i don't know). had a lot of hand gesturing while talking, wears this huge baggy khaki quarts with red shirt. yes, he was working, but he was servicing my friend who had already known him by his name.
something i knew from this was that he was a harmless person. he could be a good someone to teach me how to skate and introduce me to other new friends. it'd be nice to have someone to bring me into this sport.
and yes he did. he brought me to some other people, who were all out to teach and guide me. we all exchanged numbers and taduh! i'm in a group of 'cool' (that's how i viewed the sliders, it was a total of 4 years that i drooled over having to be with them okay!) people.
well, at least when i'm out with these other people, i still had the courtesy of recognising the human and saying hi to him when i do see him around.
and now that i know him, i realise that things that means nothing to me can mean a lot to him. and sometimes when i spout nonsense in a pique of anger, i couldn' t care less about how he would feel. hey, i'm frustrated, agitated, care about him for what!
i'm damn selfish, i should die beside him. haha.
okay. if you all haven't known by now, i'm talking about my very sexy boyfriend lucas ng junjie. (:
i never knew the feeling of being with someone you couldn't initially be bothered about can eventually turn out so.. strong. i'm so full of it now! (: aww. i'm so mushy damn it.
anw, i just wanted to say i've really been mean. cath said this millions of times before, that i ill-treat my boyfriend and then i'd usually go "I NEVER!! I AM VERY NICE TO HIM!!". cath, i'm sorry, i get your point now. haha.
my love, i'm sorry for being a pain in the ass. thanks for tolerating. although you should know you are very lucky to be with yours truly. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. okay luh, we're both lucky alright! and and, YOU ARE THE MOST SEXY. others are just jealous! :D lofu!

sometimes things can't be viewed from the surface. when you do something, it's not that you like to do it or you want to, but you're being pushed to. like example studying. WHO LIKES STUDYING? you don't like it, but you do it bcus you're pushed to.
then comes working. who wants to work? hey if i already had 100million dollars lying on my bed, would i go out, be a salesgirl and be busy introducing these other rich woman about the new products we have in store? i wouldn't. we don't like it, but we do it bcus we're pushed to.
and now in my situation. trainings. trainings are a chore and who wants trainings when you can already do it? it's for self improvement. no, i don't like to do it but i do it bcus i'm pushed to and bcus i WANT to improve. but on second thoughts.. it doesn't mean it is not enjoyable to stay in a fixed place doing the same things again and again. bcus...
look at what is around you. your friends! whenever there are friends around to accompany you, nothing else matters. bcus everyone's doing it together, bcus we're all in it together. it doesn't mean we have lost the fun that we had before.
it's only on the surface that we're being monotonous by doing the same things again and again, but then think again, don't we all come to a point where we sit down and rest/slack when we're tired? and then it will eventually lead to sitting down on a table, having supper and talking about everything under the sun? things change but people don't.
things are not fun if you look at it with your naked eye. but i have
a lot of fun when i'm with the team. we're called a team bcus we do everything together. we eat, we talk, we sleep, we shit, we have period, we drink, we watch movie, we go out together. if others see us in other perspectives, it's of course we're super dull and boring, bcus they never engage themselves with us, how would they know it isn't fun?!
yesterday while we were hanging out at big splash, this stupid ass walked pass our group and said out loud "WHAT A BORING THING TO DO!". excuse me sir, you never hang out with us you can SEE THROUGH that we're a bunch of losers doing boring things? EXCUSE ME, only BORING PEOPLE DO BORING THINGS AND GET BORED by saying what other people do are boring. get it? lol. use your brain luh, don't speak when you shouldn't. and the best thing is, only steven and i heard him. we were cursing him like hell luh, and he just looked back once and walked away nonchalant. you must be drunk, go sober up. drinking kills your brain cells. you must've lost your mind (also known as brain) so don't talk bull.

yes they're pointing at me bcus I AM DAMN FAILURE. ):

HUAT AH! good ah!

afterall, we're still the same crazy people doing crazy things, trying to achieve the same old things. we all know we used to be the only people in this sport, but now everyone's doing it so we have to prove ourselves that we are good. i do not put myself in higher authority just bcus i'm with the elites. i'm still nothing compared to my boyfriend. TSK! i put myself in my previous fila skates (YOU KNOW WHEN I LEARN ACID AND SNOWPLOUGH? THAT HARDWORKING SPIRIT?). HAHA. where i just want to learn and be naturally good at the things i do. it's not my duty, but i'd take it. :D
3:08 PM;
♥ Friday, July 25, 2008
been spending most of my time with mysexything sleeping, eating and watching movies.. ohoh, SWIMMING! :D bravooo! finally got some time to swim in a place not crowded with people. my legs are so destroyed, can't be helped, i have to hide. so we had the pool to ourselves! it's the condo's swimming pool anw, won't be flooding with people actually.
it's friday again. time is passing like the speed of light. WHEN YOU DON'T WANT IT TO, it happens. when you want it to (like having classes, working, doing boring things..), IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. it's stupid really! time flies when you're having fun. and.. it also means my days are numbered. nearing 17th of august, i'm quite excited but at the same time i'm also nervous and breaking out in cold sweat. just the thought of it was making my heart pound like some thai boxer taking my heart as his punching bag. you know *thudthudthudthudthudthud*. 1 thud = 0.5seconds kinda stuff... uh huh. i'm serious.
watched DARK KNIGHT on monday with moomoo, shawn, fei, marcus, eddy, joonjek and last but not least mysexythingggggg. the show's gooooooood but i don't understand why they chose an actress with such dreadful looking eyes. anw, if you have watched, you would've known batman crashed his lambo. how rich. but that's not wasted. his can-tank-millions-of-bullets-car was the wasted one. HEY, i'd rather have that car. looks as cool or more cool than the lambo luh! you can do so much more things with it. after self-destruct still have motorbike can! HAHA! anw, missed the beginning, don't know how much of it though. booo.
worst thing was i missed the outing with shahul, anny and all (don't know who turned up but should be the usuals.. ): i'm sorryyyy. but i rather use the money to watch another show than to watch dark knight,
again. noooooooo! oh well, i shall plan the next outing so i won't have to miss any of the outing
again and that things planned will go my way. hmm.
anw, there is this really stupid person (i don't wanna mention *it's name on my blog) is trying to piss me off using dimwit methods. it kinda succeeded in doing so but i should make myself believe that it is envious of me (or us),so i shall put myself in a not-so-stupid position. bringing myself to actually argue with you is making me lowdown and stupid like you. (: so busy talking bout me that you forgot to buy a brain right? senseless talking from you makes me feel that you really do not have a brain at all. whatever way it is trying to piss me (or us) off, i'll put my slippers aside (to prevent flying slippers), and do things my way. IGNORANCE IS BLISS! yay, we're chummies, let's pretend that all you do is nothing and that my presence meant something (the fact that it's trying to piss me off means it wants to be me!) to you. n_n yay. hugs* love* aww.
*IT - hiding the gender for safety purposes!
getting ready to play maple. (: childish right? at least i'm happy doing it with mysexything (SOMETIMES)!
1) there are skeptical people angry with people like us for doing stupid things like that.2) there are happy people like us doing stupid things these angry skeptical people never got to enjoy.:D YAY. BRAVOOOOOO to you! go on and think we're childish! cus you'll never know the kind of enjoyment we have! BLEAH! :b
12:08 PM;
♥ Monday, July 21, 2008
12:48 AM;
♥ Saturday, July 19, 2008
SKATE MORE. TRAIN MORE(maple character, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SHHH. shut up!).

KAT THIS PHOTO IS FOR YOU TO LAUGH AT! :D i want to tell you what my best friend always tells me. BOYS ARE STUPID! but 1 thing for sure, if they aren't stupid, you wouldn't have fallen for them. it's because of the stupid things they do that make you laugh. in occasions like this for instance. haha. save it to your comp okay. :x so when you're angry with him, look at this photo and tell yourself "but ___________, that's why i love him (fill in the blanks with all the good things about him)." AWESOME?! :D haha. hope you're feeling better both emotionally and physically (your knee!). take care alright!
But who are you to judge anyway? anw, there's a lot that i wish to say but it's too much to put into words. here's a summary..
how inappreciative some people are. testing my patience only. so much you've put in for them, all the trust and faith in building the friendship. it's pretty useless i must say, that for people like me to befriend them. i must be either 1) very good looking, 2) very rich or 3) very famous, THEN ONLY can i be in their circle of 'friends'. i just have to say, it's U S E L E S S. if you think i don't deserve to be in your good books then why should i put you in mine? i've seriously wasted enough time to TRY to build up this considerably non-existent friendship. and i'm sure that *ahem* have been talking behind our backs about everything that's seemingly nothing at all. argh. getting on my nerves! i just can't swallow it. it's unfair. oh well, i shall not raise a ruckus, only losers do it.
because i don't mind and you don't matter.past 2 weeks, the midnight cab drivers have been flattering me too much. n_n
they thought i was 15.
they thought ting fei was 15 AND my boyfriend.
omg that's crazy. THIS IS A 12 YEAR OLD BOY LUH! HAHA!
poor boy lost his tooth anw. :l but potential handsome boy! :D

i still can't swallow it. THEY ARE TOO MUCH! ARGH. fake! fake! you're a fking fake! fk off!! i curse you back! back at you! EEEEEE! i've never EVER met anyone like that. it just disgusts me. pardon my language luh! aikes. you'll never see LYNN at this level of wrath. it just pissed me that all that i've done, it's just nothing. AHH! shall not rant, full stop. thank you for listening. you don't matter you don't matter you don't matter AT ALL. sorry 'friends'. go find a xiao bai lian/hostess to entertain you. you don't have a good chum like LYNN anymore.
BYEDOUCHEBAGS.GOOD NIGHT. gonna bathe and sleep.
boyfriend gonna scold me already. poor boy need to work tmr. :l
good bye my loves. mwarks.
1:38 AM;
♥ Sunday, July 13, 2008

random. was bored and decided to play with adobe photoshop. oh well.
HAHA. :x
7:07 PM;
baby jazelle came over but she was asleep. ): couldn't play with her. oh well. jason calls my sister magnolia factory. cus she's the cow. hmm. interesting. and mom still can't pronounce JA-ZELLE. she calls baby JER-GEL. HAHAHAHA. which in other circumstances sound like JIAO-JIAO when you say it repeatedly at a very consistent pace. (try it. haha. it's quite funny. :x)

baby! burping time. but it looks like more air is going in rather than out with her mouth opened this big. :l

fortune muzzled up. confirm one luh. so naughty.

fortune is beckham. can you see his shirt! HAHA. anw, he was super curious. was sniffing baby from the start to the end the time baby was at home.

when i was walking alone on saturday. i took photos of random things.
i realise people tend to get so busy and occupied with work that they hardly look at the beautiful things that surround them. when i was walking, i could've headed straight to the bus stop like usual. but the sky and the "smoke trails" of an airplane caught my eye and made me walk out of my usual path to take a photo. amazing how a sony ericsson 2 megapixel phone can take a photo like that. the shades of blue are super nice right. admit it.
was not really in the mood to do anything at all. but yea, got myself out of it and skated. it's a very hectic weekend. everyone's pulling up their socks, skating with hearts out. and i mean everyone who'll be competing in the upcoming skate competition. sighs. why? like school and work isn't piling enough stress on you that you have to add to it. tsk tsk.
aunt janelle (lives in america) did mention that people here are so competitive that they have to rank people by 1st, 2nd and 3rd. and it's cus of rankings that people become so indulged in getting and being NUMBER ONE. she says that in america, there aren't things like this student is 1st, that student 2nd and stuffs. they just get results, english = A, math = B, science = B. and it's to let themselves know that yea they've to work harder to get A and that's for individual improvement. they put ranks, students will definitely want to beat each other's marks to get to the top one what. and it is true. it's cus of rankings that make people want to compete and be the champion. dumb. like i've said, like there isn't enough stress already being a sinaporean. but nevertheless, i'm still competing and putting my best into the game. i've had enough of being a failure. gonna whack everyone who is in my way and prove myself. (: make myself more stressed and pressured only, how pathetic. beat around the bush and shoot myself. HEE. thanks. i'm going to die. i'm getting old. sucks to be me.
and the past 2 days of hectic skating is making me suffer from aches all over my body. HAHA. i'm having sore throat for don't know what reason also. my eyes are puffy and swollen from sleepness nights and..... hurray to lynn! MY PHONE IS BACK! cus i've paid my bill. *applause* THANK YOU THANK YOU. finally got myself to a S.A.M machine to clear the debt. ARGH~ there goes a whooping $350. that's a combined 6months bill. for 5 months there's an extra 5 bucks added for REMINDERS. fucking cheesepie. that's $25 can. AND I CANCEL MY VOICEMAIL ALREADY WHY STILL GOT VOICEMAIL which is $5 charge FOR EVERY MONTH. WA LAO. hopeless luh singtel. want earn money cant find suitable people. like LKY or nathan. why me, i'm a poor girl can. yesterday take cab 10bucks. eat 1 bowl of mian sian and 1 cup of longan drink 7bucks. 17bucks FLYYYYY~~ oh well. off to do other things.
and i'm alone at home. anyone free can come to my house and accompany. ha. (:
4:25 AM;
♥ Saturday, July 12, 2008
i'm waiting for my baby.
if you think otherwise, no, not "oh baby i love you & i miss you" baby.
literally, BABY. baby is on her way her with my damn awesome sister.
YES, i finally have a baby to torture. HAHA. no luh!
anw, i'm PLANNING to make love to a VERY HANDSOME
YOUNG eurasian/caucasian man, dump him and then raise the kid as a single mother. damn cool right. my kid will be awesome like me and cute like his not-really-father father.
i still have plans on staying spinster/being a single mum. i'm damn weird, tell me about it.
TALK LATER! everything good comes to an end! UNFORTUNATE FOR YOU! byee!
holy holeinthepants, i hate you. asshoe.
10:21 AM;
♥ Thursday, July 10, 2008
if you're bored and have got nothing to do, watch : great expectations.
the show is kinda edgy, a lil eccentric with bits and pieces of tear-dropping scenes. there should be some sexual scenes too, which i din get to watch cus star movies would've definitely censored those so that it'd be legal to air it on scv.
starring :
ethan hawke as finnegan bell
gwyneth paltrow as estella
anne bancroft as ms dinsmoor
robert de niro as lustig
btw the show was picked from a charles dickens classic novel. very dreamy show. most unlikely to be realised.
everything i do, i do it for you.
cus everything special in me, is you."
which man in our century would say something like this.

ehtan hawke (super hot, yea.)

gwyneth paltrow (damn hot body please.)
anw, their kissing scene can make ppl orgasm? :l HAHAHA. i don't know luh. but the way they kiss got a lot of feel man. you know THE FEELING AH! even the kids in the show, as fin and estella at age 10, the way they kiss own the stars in mediacorp. :x should just watch it. the show is reaaaaaally good! i cried alright. just so you know it's worht your time! damn good movie!
tomorrow's finally friday. hurray to skating! i can see my lovelies. :D
and someone enlighten me. which skate to get? Seba, SKT or twister? i wanna try seba but i'm not sure if i'm gonna like it. hmm.
looking forward to saturday though, cus baby is gonna come over! mommy is gonna be taking care of her, bathing her, feeding her, making her burp etc. wonder how fortune is gonna react to that. everyone losing focus on him and giving attention to baby jazelle. aww, miserable! :x HAHAHA.

poor fortune will most probably be looking like that the whole of saturday! MUZZLED UP!
7:13 PM;
♥ Tuesday, July 08, 2008
watching miss potter on star movies. cute fantasy stuff. renee zellewager as the lead actress. there's also ewan mcgregor! :D so good looking! teehee. listening to journey to the past by aaliyah. disney's anastasia soundtrack. note note.
anw, met up with my lil cousin kevin and aunt janelle who came back from america for a few days of holiday. went to paragon to have dimsum at din tai fung. they're heading back tomorrow and when kevin heard that, he sulked. damn cute luh. he's only 10 and he's extremely smart.
heard from my parents that he went to 3 days of singaporean school at acs for primary 5 classes with his cousins. then one day aunt janelle got trapped in the jams and was late to pick kevin up. he was feeling kinda sour cus he waited for an hour plus so he decided to leave the school himself and head to the hotel. so he flagged for a cab. unfortunate for him, he didn't know which hotel they were staying at... so he thought of something. a photo he took with my mom and dad at the fruit stall. he whipped out the camera and \ zoomed in to look at the apron my mom was wearing that clearly spelt "BEDOK FOOD CENTRE". (damn freaking smart luh.) so he told the cab driver to go bedok food centre.. i reckon acs quite far from bedok luh.. cus the cab fare was sgd$14.80 and kev only had 8bucks with him. when he saw the meter jumping so fast and had passed the amount he had he started crying luh. lols. so the uncle was like assuring him saying it was okay and stuffs. DAMN CUTE RIGHT! so when he reached the fruit stall he was tearing and he walked up to my dad (my dad was in shock though) "uncle can you lend me $6.80 i have to pay the cab fare..". damn freaking brave right. :l in his 10 years of life he has only been to singapore twice. once when he 5 and now. also heard from aunt janelle that he's been doing sit-ups cus people have been saying he is chubby. HAHA. ehh, 10 year old kid can. -.- wth. strive for perfection liao.
anw, i think i have no opinions about xiaxue aka wendy cheng now. was kinda.. what's that word. opinionated that she is this and that. but now that i've seen her vids on http://www.clicknetwork.tv/, she acts like my very close best friend. :x she's acutally quite cute luh. :D for some reasons i used to dislike her. the way she had attention, the way she wrote in her blog, being a critique about almost everything and that everything about her is perfect. now that i've seen the pretty and bimbotic side of her (she is. you can't deny bimbotic girls are the cutest.), i kinda like her. haha. as in, i have nothing against her. should see her in her videos. damn dumb. was laughing my ass off watching her vids especially the one where she pierced her tongue and obliged to say "THAI TOFU". HAHAHA.
i've something to add, people who're the most like you are the ones who're most likely to be your thorn in the eye. and if you never get to know them, you'll never know that they're actually very much like you, almost of a replica. really, serious! i read some of the people's blog who take me as their competition, an arch enemy, rivalry. they actually write and speak like i do. so if i say that i hate them, they suck, i'm just beating around the bush and shooting myself in the head. same goes for them luh. haha. but now that i think back, i was quite bitchy luh. now that i'm a changed person already, i won't do the things and think the way like i do before. like mommy said "you're not young anymore, time to grow up". having hatred is only being retarded. you don't even have a good reason for hating someone (good reason being they killed/stole someone you love).
SLOTH, GLUTTONY, GREED, PRIDE, WRATH, ENVY AND LUST. the 7 deadly sins. from left to right, most to least that i 'indulge' in. BLAAAAA.
anw got mini levi's sale at takashimaya. eeeee. i want to shop. ): bo lui. haven't gone shopping since new year can? boo. okay, i'm gonna end here. gonna bathe! and sleep! or maybe play my online game. :x nighty nights! sugar dreams lovelies!
11:03 PM;
♥ Monday, July 07, 2008
baby jazelle's one month celebration. she was kinda cranky and grumpy today and only woke up when everyone had left. lols. can't imagine her temper when she gets older. hmm. too many people over there that sis hardly had the time to speak to me. boo. there, photo of baby jazelle and a VERY HAPPY grandmother. :x so cuteeeee. my mom was kinda rusty at taking care of babies. she forgot how to make the baby burp. :l so much meaning in the photo luh. look at how mommy looks at the baby. aww..

my very pretty 2nd sister that often has very awful bitch fits. I LOOK DAMN FAILURE IN THE PHOTO LUH. I AM TOO LAZY TO LOOK GOOD. sorry okay! ):

the racial harmony celebration at eunos.. eric as the mc( damn cute luh) and the rest of us as the ONLY competitors in the mini comp. haha. zhuzhu was one of the judge, so damn freaking stressed luh. nervous and shitted in my pants. RIGHT. argh. could only perform before or after the competition. DURING competition i'm like one bloody noob skater luh. ): jas and kat did pretty well, could've made it to the top three group but i dragged the girls down. sorrryyyyy! ): sad. below are photos of the loves in ic. some of the photos are with viff and some with kat and fei.

kat!! (: pretty girl!

shawn ting. he took care of me the whole saturday! (:
was dead sleepy due to lack of sleep the past night. he's only 13 and he takes care of me!

brandon! purposely make me seem so short! GRRR. FYI, i wasn't on skates and he was.

show off medals only lor. mbt. (I AM NOT BIG HEADED.)

a proper photo. brandon! (look at how he has bent to reach my height. :x)

dawn yeo + eyebags = jaslyn luh! :D
you're still pretty luh dudeeee.

threadman taitai.

aww. smile for the camera!

we're so DAMN awesome! (and i make myself believe i am..) we owned bus 60 for 3 bus stops. :x

we're not going through analysis to make ourselves better. we just skate to improve. simple as that.

and here a very cute QQ aka alan to end the conclusion of saturday. WE HAD FUN sweating like pigs.
OHOH! and i spent 4 hours after that playing cs with greg, taitai, QQ, fei, shawn, weewee and zac at the lanshop. awesome shit i tell you! it's damn fun luh! at least it made me less sleepy cus i have entertainment. so the rest ended up eating at 5star chicken rice cus aston's was too packed..
and me, i just slept at the rink for a few minutes with shawn and greg as my company. ): was wayyyy lethargic to even open my eyes. 1 hour of sleep cannot suffice my one whole day of saturday. i was practically skating for 8 hours out of the 16 hours i was out. if i never fall asleep i'm immortal already luh. siao one.
was trying to train a bit cus the past months been playing too much. saw the rest of the girls working their lungs out so decided to skate a lil faster, do a lil bit more ass-hurting stuffs and then end up falling down and out with myself. damn stupid i tell you. i lay down on my bag angry but seconds later i fell asleep.
i can only say i train to slide cus i do know that i can do MUCCCH MUCCCH better. and that people have been telling me that i can be a better skater than i already am.
1) i don't train cus others tell me to.
2) i don't train so that i can show others how good i am.
3) i don't train to beat others in competitions.
4) i don't train and have analysis reports on how i skate.
competitions are only there to show you where you are. cus the biggest competitor isn't the one beside you but the one inside you. and truth be told i haven't been good to myself. i keep failing myself. i can't even beat the one inside me what more the ones beside? they laugh at my failures and mock me. so? even though at many attempts i've failed to prove myself, others still love me. even if i'm a sucky skater, i'm an awesome friend. that's why when i lose, i don't get all upset cus i lost. but cus i've disappointed the people who've pushed me to skate and encouraged me. i'm getting emotional. shit. how many times i lost already. wha lao. i'm an old woman liao leh. ): how to compete when i'm nearer to my death? lol. okay i'm talking nonsense.
GOT TO SLEEP LIAO. AISEH. i can last till 4am sia. OKOK.
nighty nights and sugar dreams all.
i love my friends! :D mwarks!
2:35 AM;
♥ Friday, July 04, 2008
oh, time to defame myself. yes yes, these are photos i never post on friendster. :l i'm insane enough to reveal the photos here. that's crazy. hey, no matter what i'm still me alright! anw, if i may seem FAT in the photos, that's the PAST where i almost hit 49kg okay. SHHH. that was a secret (okay now it isn't). oh well, got to say that recently my weight has gone down. i'm a healthy girl now. :D no more binge eating EVER. I HOPE!

CUTE! SUPER CUTE! admit it.

trying to be funny. which i already am.

TORTURE YOUR PETS WHEN YOU ARE BORED. it's a maniac's entertainment.
he's into it anyway.

the very beautiful temasek sec and the two damn hot "background" models.
yes, that's me in orange specs learning to be like XU CHUN MEI.
i know fail luh. FINE! fine..

just felt like posting some photos.. and more photos. so here they are. all cute stuffs luh.

guess who those long slender legs belong to. it's javier's.

eee. 2007 christmas party. :D this photo is cute.
cus the cute people are in it.

uhm.. (no need for captions READ ^.)

ju-on disciples. (yes, this is camwhore session for us. :l unusual, i know.)

graffiti/vandalism is the way to go. yeah.

point is: i have a 2-flavoured ice cream cone that is super Y U M M Y. lol.

we are damn awesome. a police officer took this photo.
well, after we got spot-checked by them for ask-the-government-what.

ziyi is happy to be with happy people. haha. cute!

wendy (saxophone), me (flute) & yilin (french horn).
YAY, i'm the tallest! :D and we have the st pat's band at the background performing.

i designed the hat for the band okay!
anyway, this event was in the GBWR for having the most number of people wearing balloon hats in the same place. balloon hat festival is DAMN FUN LUH. damn why do the photos have to remind me that i'm not a secondary school kid anymore! ARGHHH! oh well, i think that's it for now. got to prepare for skate training! :D YAY. got lotsa events this weekend. AWESOME!
baby jazelle's one month party on sunday! woots! time is passing like the speed of light. eeks! time for some soul searching! i'm getting older day by day. NOOOOOO! this can't be happening.
4:04 PM;
♥ Wednesday, July 02, 2008
watched JERRY MAGUIRE on star movies. wanted to watch it since eons ago, like when it was first aired in the cinemas. felt that hard work will pay off only if you do put your heart in it. and if your heart's empty, your mind doesn't matter at all. quite inspiring. anw, quote from jerry, screams "GIVE ME MY MONEEEEHHHH!!!" LOL. for those who doesn't know who's jerry maguire, that quote would probably ring a bell. watch the movie if you haven't! casts are Tom Cruise and Renee Zellewager. okay, i can't remember the spelling of her name luh, so if i'm correct, BRAVO. if i'm not, i'm sorry i don't have a knack of remembering names.
anw, i LOVE LOVE LOVE my eldest sister luh. she tricked me into giving her my posbank account number. she knows my phone bill's screwed cus the payments due. she called home and asked "do you know that you or er jie transfer money into my account?" (well, apparently i don't even have money for myself so where on earth would i find money to transfer to her and.. my er jie spends too much on herself so..) ya, she continued "what's your account number? can go and check?" (so that she can find out who 'transferred' the money to her..) and so i stupidly did do as she requested and read out my account number to her. as soon as i finished, she said "okay i transfer money into your account already, go and pay your bill." i paused for 2 seconds and rejected her offer luh. OBVIOUSLY i did cus now she has a kid to raise leh. how can i be so shameless to take her baby's powders money. aiyoo. she just refused to listen and say "faster go pay your bill, bye bye."
ROAR. WHY IS MY SIS SO NICE. can't take it. at times when my mom go "YOU SEE YOUR DA JIE, WORK SO HARD, GOT LITTLE MONEY FOR HERSELF SHE STILL HELP US PAY THE PHONE BILLS WHEN WE FORGET TO, YOU LEH!!??" *stares at me* and i've got nothing to say. well, me? i'm a fat couch potato who starves herself when there's no money. eats only when there's some money. totally never do spend money on luxuries like clothes, shoes, bags, accessories or make up AT ALL. i'm quite a daughter-to-have also what. at least i don't spend their hard earned money on self-indulgence. :l got to say my brother-in-law is a damn lucky man luh :D and i'm lucky too cus i have an awesome sister! YAY.
sometimes i do think that i have a lot of people who care about me but cus of me being me, i tend to neglect the fact that people around me are the few of the best, the cream of the crop, the needle in the haystack, the ONCE IN A BLUE MOON type. i'm not THAT young anymore i realise. time to wake up to being a singaporean, a hard-ass-working human who's the main source of income for the country. i wish people like my sister or mom would strike the lottery and get all that money LKY owns cus they're the people that have been working SO HARD to feed people like me. yes i'm shameful of myself but i'm still a kid, trying to grow up and out of it. SORRY OKAY T-T, at least i'm grateful to them. and i'm very loyal and nice to those who appreciates me as a friend. :] at least i do entertain them by being the clown AND losing my face and mind at times so that they would have a good laugh.
moomoo* all the boys must take off their clothes if they lose. the girls.. cannot take off. okay, wear their bra!
me* i'm not wearing any bra..
moomoo* WHAT! omg. LYNN'S NOT WEARING ANY BRA. *screams to the entire population in ecp* LYNNEE NEVER WEAR HER BRA!!!
(yes, this can be sooooooooo funny to others. crazy people! lol!)
GUIDE TO MELANCHOLIA & STRESS__________________________
1) pretend you are at a masquerade when you're with your friends.
put on a mask with a smile on it, make sure nobody knows how you're feeling under that mask.
2) when you get home, drink (must replace everything else with water and WATER ONLY) as much as you want to drown your sorrows.
3) bang your head against your showering curtains! they will make you go crazy!!
4) stab yourself with a ruler or thermometer, make sure it's something that has NO sharp ends.
you know the things people do to hurt themselves.. DON'T DO IT ANYMORE.
i can be your light at the end of the tunnel. call the suicide hotline @ 1800-i-need-help or visit the website someonelovesyou.com.sg (aka lynnfu.blogspot.com). okay. i'm damn bored..
please note: MY PHONE IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE. will need to pay the bills before things go awry.
REMEMBER, I CAN'T RECEIVE MSGES EITHER! so if i do not reply, it's because I NEVER EVEN RECEIVE ANY MSGES! :l contact my agent lulu instead! make sure he informs me! :D
going to bed! :b nighty night, sugar coated dreams! xoxo.
3:04 PM;
♥ Tuesday, July 01, 2008

happy birthday to the one who gives us MOO ai. :D

those who came to celebrate moomoo's birthday in Hong Kong Cafe.

kat = paparazzi. lol. candid shot!
ANW, much credits to kat for organising the whole thing, from buying the present, to the cake and card, to making the people appear for the celebration and msging ALL OF US. :D thanks to kat!
also went out yesterday with BFFs for movie of GET SMART, at the engwahSUCKS (quoted from marc) cinema. haha. cath, anny, marc and lulu made me decide what to eat for dinner.. so we went to kenny rogers to have some food. suntec's kenny rogers suck. but we had a great chat. haha. it can never be boring with them around cus we can talk about the weirdest things. haha. (sidetrack: lulu is whining and doing dumb stuffs to make me eat my dinner! photo below. haha.) ANW, i love them all. thanks zhian for planning it all. and also appearing SO EARLY even when she knows we all will be late. i love them so much. they're the cutest people ever! hee.

"UHHH.. fasssteerrrrrr.. eat... dinnneeeerrrr....."
Anw, a quiz to kick off the start of my supposed-to-be-gone blog.. the 7 deadly sins.
you could try it too, i'm sure everyone is sinful. i'm not too bad though. :D
Greed: | Medium
Gluttony: | Medium
Wrath: | Medium
Sloth: | High
Envy: | Very Low
Lust: | Very Low
Pride: | Medium
Take the
Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
today i spent hours scrolling for skins of the day until it reached year 2006. found this skin and i'm finally done with it. most of the skins are related to love, losing a love and melancholia. bullshyt? after 2 years, people still have this for my blog link.. haha, that's cute. so, i'm staying with this link since it clearly spells out my name and people i know can easily access it. woots, i'm tired after all those editing and stuffs. haven't eaten or left the desk since 3.30pm. OKAY. i'm done with it. really weary of the whole blog thing already. will come back another day though. :D credits to kat for fixing the blog and resurrecting it. uhm..
and the person for creating this skin, i don't know whom cuz i've closed the site already! PAISEH! :x

end my entry with happy photos. my sister, brother-in-law and their new born baby jazelle tan. gonna be one month young on the 10th of july.. SO FAST luh! roar!

Happy 4 months! :D (
yay i'm taller :x)
yea man, your baby's back!
8:57 PM;