♥ Monday, August 25, 2008

ben, quanyang, clement, amanda, sky & QQ.

nicky, matthew & jordon.

my happy pot!
all the things cooked by others, given to me. ;D HAHA.

sky, QQ & shawn.

sexy kris mummy.

zhuzhu, moomoo & eddy.

our cute mums and their kids.

they put out the fireworks for us. ;D

a rather decent shot of the fireworks.

boyfriend: bren & girlfriend: feifei

so our balloon festival starts here, in makan sutra.

all gone bonkers.

shawn's self-created 'everything-also-have' balloon hat.
includes: a machine gun, a balloon hat on top of a balloon hat, a sword & 1 more balloon hat.

joon jek. -.- ultimate gay balloon hat.
heart and flower. (the heart balloon was actually a separate piece.)

most gorgeous,amazing,fabulous,sexy&charming guy in the entire universe!
(whoever reads this who has a boyfriend, admit it. he own yours flat ;D)
he got high nose bridge leh, some more it's sharp and small. your boyfriend?
bulbous and button-like right! :b

wilson busy with his bra/bikini.
background: shawn and his 'everything-also-have' balloon hat.

creator adjusting his creation.

marcus wore it as specs. damn cute.
wilson wearing the 'everything-used-to-have' balloon hat.

my butterfly hat & lucas's 1-stick-1-ball hat.
marcus is being a CALEFARE.

so at cathay some continued wearing the balloon hats.

lucas and his new hat. HAHAHAHAHA!
your hat is still ugly. :x

so while the rest were playing lan, we were camping here with the PSP while waiting for the movie to start.
movie started at 1.35am and we went home straight after the movie. we laughed like hell, ate like gluttons, talked and bitched about everything under the sun, watched the fireworks with the team (kinda romantic & once in a lifetime).. and did things we always usually do, going crazy. ;D but all good things must come to an end. so that's it! must be there to feel the presence of joy, photos aren't enough to do any good. cheers!
anw, LTA photos will be up when the photographer who took MY EMAIL AND HP NO. (!!!) sends me the photos we took on the highway. (:
inlineculture has the most adorable people ever.
and i likeeeeee!
11:33 AM;
♥ Sunday, August 24, 2008
well, more discontentment arose after readers read what the other people had insisted.
i didn't instigate any discontentment amongst participants. it's what you said that caused more discontent, obvious no?
i shall clean up and make this a finale. i
do not want any hatred between the teams because of a competition. and IT IS ALWAYS because of these deemed unfair competitions that makes me feel unjust for my team mates that i have to speak my mind. and unknowingly causing a stir between the people in the opposing team/teams and my team mates. then the competitors in these involved teams will start to hate each other. WHY? why cause such wrath?
we're all the same kinda people, doing the same thing, having the same thinking (most of the times). and because of competitions, we have to make each other such big enemies when truth is, we're all alike. so if you hate me, you hate yourself too.
and, why doesn't anyone realise i'm a female, but i'm commenting about the male category instead?
the female competitors were apparently stronger than i am, leaving me with zilch to say. we can all see with our eyes, who are stronger competitors.
and if it is said that "we do not appreciate any unproductive criticisms", why ever would i have a say when it comes to the day of the competition for me to 'VOICE UP LIKE REAL GENTLEMEN if there is UNFAIRNESS'? and not like me to 'SHUT UP and WRITTEN IN BLOG'? it is already ruled out that what i said was
unproductive criticisms. so when is it that i can speak my mind when i can't even write it in my own blog diary?
i do know that judges have discussed about whatever that was left hanging, so even if i felt it wasn't correct, the 'judges decisions are final'. that being said, yes IT IS FINAL.
the 'contract' is the 'registration form' that was given to sign, before handling the number tags. it was 2 pieces of paper. it was more than just a name, number tag and a signature, there was "terms and conditions". so whatever that has so much words in a piece of paper and requires a signature is sort of a contract. so whatever happens, you already agreed to sign it. if not, seriously, why the use?
besides, IC doesn't hold competitions because skating and sliding, is a passion. we're not on a mission to eliminate all possible competitors. we weren't forced to do things like "jog from the small macdonald's rink to bedok jetty and back". we aren't forced to be better, it's just a natural talent that was in us and we love it.
can't you just take in the fact that it's good to better than others, and being the best is just a bonus. for example a person born in a family with mediocre income, at least he wasn't born to be a pauper. and having a father who's a millionaire would probably be a bonus.
anw, i would agree with you that all of you are awesome people. but nobody will ever know how good we can be together if we all could communicate.
competitions make people want to be the best, make people unscrupulous, make people beat each other.. and so on so forth. what to do, it's singapore. like my aunt residing in america said.. "singapore people must be ranked. even in school must rank the students, make the students all want to be #1."
so because of wanting to be #1, they are forced to do what they don't wish to, made to cheat in exams, and become so pressurized that they commit suicide. how noble.
i've said enough and don't want to speak anymore. i'm speaking in a neutral tone so if you think otherwise, it's your own assumption.
i was never born a champion and will never want to be one. like my best friend said to me "you're a jack of all trades but a master of none". that felt very insulting at first but come to think of it, it's good that i can do many things better than others. conclusion is that, i will never be the best. so what? as long as i'm fine with it, who cares what the other people say?
i realise that people would want others to see them in a good light. even like wearing a balloon hat in a public area, you have to go through some thinking. like others will think "wha siao lang. in cathay wear balloon hat, think they damn cute.". so? wear balloon hat super sia suey lor?
some of them felt that way, but i just thought that it is you who make out what others' might think of you, but why should what they think of you matter to you at all?
because i don't mind and you don't matter. (:
and so, i proudly donned my balloon hat that my love painstakingly made for me (and many others who didn't seem to appreciate it at all, fuck that). we had our team dinner at happy pot yesterday in makan sutra. watched the fireworks and had insane moments with the balloons twisted by my love. went to cathay for the mummy movie which i did not watch cus i was too sleepy and was sleeping the show away. i will post the photos once i upload it!
and i'm happy because
i am the luckiest person on earth,
to have all the most beautiful things around me
i love it. (:
12:58 PM;
♥ Thursday, August 21, 2008
Despite the brouhaha about the entry i posted on i-don't-remember-when (please backdate 2 posts). i went out to enjoy myself on
20082008 (yesterday, 6 month anniversary!) while some people sit behind their computers angry at what i said.
[anw, i do not believe that's shirley the lady boss. why would
anyone of that status be so gossipy and lowly?
why would she even want to read my blog? obviously a poser. so quit acting though you sound pretty knowledgeable about the judging system. tsk.]
ANW, BACK TO ME. *spotlight*
so we went to sentosa for my very first suntanning session. people who knows me best would know i HATE beaches. I HATE THE SCORCHING SUN, THE ALL-OVER-THE-PLACE SAND AND THE FILTHY SEA. yucks. but i only go with the fun people. so, i went with lulu. ;D

started the day with a bitchy pose because of bitchy comments. ;B

and off we go, to sentosa.

first timers at sentosa, bring everything! :l

HAHAHAHA. we were laughing at ourselves for being first timers.
anw, i got the glasses-WITHOUT-sunburn mark across my eyes (SNFC!!#@$!) ARGH!

brought gummies to eat.

there, you can spot my sunburnt marks across my eyes. !#@$%!$#

ice COOOOOOOLD water is GOOD!

S for Smile! n_n

Lucas and Lynn at L of SILOSO. (i'm wearing unglam boxers anw! but heck!)

but byebye beach, after 50mins, i started to feel yucky so we left. :l
wasted 6bucks entrance fee for 1 hour of sentosa. LOL.

walking back to carpark. so..
that's it for sentosa. HAHA.
BUT WAIT, who says that's it? after sentosa we went out for lunner (lunch/dinner) dressed in pretty clothes. (: we went to parco bugis for our teppanyaki, then played at the arcade (wahahaha!), then shopping!

my pretty blue dress and pretty naraya purse. ;D

he told me to take the ERP. !@#%@#
_|_ (he says!)

so the meal started with california maki and salmon sashimi. (we ate some already. HAHA.)

taduh! teppanyaki for 2! ;D

i like the bottle and the drink. :l so it's a must order.

doesn't look a lot right? cus this is only 3/8 of the food.

that's after we finished the food.
good food = good life.
ice cream to end the meal.
and being a very nice person like i always am, i took the bill. ;D haha. so this meal was on me!
i am so proud of myself! and i think he was happy too, don't need to pay what!
WAIT WAIT. that's not the end yet! so after parco bugis, we went straight to meet up with his family for..
CHILLI AND BUTTER CRABS!!@#$@! it's only like 2.5 hours since we had our teppanyaki btw. -.-
guess who.

lucas and aunt nancy (his mom) with the same hairdo. ;D

uncle joe and lester (his dad and brother).

after we were done. CAN YOU SEE THE CHILLI CRAB!?! *slurps*
this was lucas's view.

this was my view. CHILLI CRAB!!

lucas's plate.
he doesn't eat chilli so he peeled all the chilli crabs for me!
MUAHAHAHAHA! so adorable!
so while others get morally filthy talking about me and what i've commented on my own personal space, i was enjoying life to it's fullest.
it's funny how a nobody like me can cause such a big commotion.
"AS LONG AS YOU'RE FINE WITH IT, WHO CARES WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY." why should a nobody like me affect whoever's moods? lol. just goes to show that i am quite something. i'm a somebody, not just anybody. (: so if you don't understand why am i such an irritant, you just have to read xiaxue's blog to understand my actions. (:
anw, life is beautiful, so beautiful to me.
i have many lovely friends!
i have an amazing lover!
i have my fabulous family!
and i have the most remarkable times of my life!
(not like you. :b)
AND I JUST READ CATH'S BLOG. WHA, how come got so many same stuffs for things like personal space, peel prawn/crab for me and "don't like then don't come back" (to the blog) and.. omg. WHY I ALWAYS WRITE THINGS THAT PEOPLE ALREADY WRITE. !@%$!@# ARGH! tsk. makes me seem like a copy cat. NOT ONCE LIAO LOR. second time already. and i only realise after i read the blog 4 days later. tsk. boo.
9:11 AM;
♥ Wednesday, August 20, 2008
wha. my tag board is flooded with a 'shirley head judge'.
To: "Shirley Head Judge"
so hello miss, what makes you think the entry i posted was regarding any competitions I, lynn fu xuan lin, RECENTLY participated?
i did not state what competition was held so how would you know to which competition was i ranting about?
besides, when you come onto this page, you should know that whatever criticisms that i have on my mind is written without any consideration to whom might read it. because this is what i want to say, and i will say it.
i'm merely thinking out aloud, why do you have to react so strongly to it?
FYI, I DID MENTION IN MY BLOG, if you hate me (which includes my blog that is my personal space), ♥ PLEASE CLICK ON THIS.
so which part of "i shall just shut up. who knows who'll read my blog and then complain like typical singaporeans. TSK. forget it. already over." do you not understand? by saying this proves that i know there will be strong reactions like yours that i will not entertain.
and if you know that i've said something nasty, why still read it? right?
by coming here, you should know what to expect. so i don't really need anyone to tell me what i said was.. uhm.. supposed to be left unsaid.
if you do not know what is a blog, please google it or use wikipedia.
it's something for people like me to speak their minds. if you do not like it, do not ever come back or in the first place, do not even visit it. alright?
and i believe whatever you have said, is on your part. you shall instead rant it on your own blog, with contents as rightful to your knowledge as possible with no regards to whom might not like it. what you have to say, is not for my tagboard to suffer from.
now that's what i have to say to prove myself right. also, why do you have to explain yourself to how you judge? is your guilty conscience bugging you? i have to add that all the champions and participants did really well. and i believe the competitors deserve a round of applause and a pat on the back because they were all great. i just don't understand why there would be a change to the criterias of rankings if they had same amount of points. you can't deny it was a sudden change of criterias and that failed attempts weren't supposed to even be looked at.anw, training harder does not equal to good sportsmanship. LOL. you're making a mistake.
Sportsmanship n. (sports - man - ship)
Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing. < http://dictionary.com. >
so pardon me miss, i seriously do not want to make a big hooha out of this because there is no wrong that i've done. commenting on my own space is not for you to decide. i have said my piece. so whoever who wants to read this, is agreeing to not throw your weight around by giving subjective remarks. so if you aren't even sure/can't confirm that i'm talking about the same topic you are at, do not comment. thanks.
OH BTW, do i need your approval to tell everyone that today is my 6-month anniversary with my love? can i have your consent to express my feelings (anger, anguish, depression, elatedness)? IT IS 20082008!! ;D HAPPY SIX MONTH ANNIVERSARY LUCAS NG JUN JIE! I LOVE YOU A LOT A LOT A LOT!
hugs* i love my blog.;D
8:55 AM;
♥ Tuesday, August 19, 2008
heard from over the rainbow, under the pot of gold that the results for men's were all the same. that said means all
top 3 men having the same amount of points.
and the ranks were given according to whether they fell or not.
wait a minute.. if you counted marks for the best 3 out of 5 attempts, why ever would there be an opportunity for the other 2 failed attempts to arise? if the marks are based on
BEST 3 , faults for the other 2
won't be counted what.
what logic should there be, to count the falls when that isn't even under the best 3?and we were told that people with the same amount of points
will be ranked according to their technical points. isn't that what
they told us in the competition at first?
so, on the CONTRACT we signed on, the T&C MUST HAVE STATED "
terms and conditions may change without prior notice." right? that being said, so
it's our fault for not reading the T&C when another 20 over people are also queuing for the same contract to blindly sign on without knowing what's written on it. (: how smart.
i knew that there would be a reason behind these papers. i wanted to read it. but i couldn't because so many other people are in the queue. and even if i did read the T&C, why would i ever have a say to what's written on it?
hello, 1 person's contract has 2 papers. there were 70 over people, means
they wasted 140 over papers on the contracts. THESE PAPERS MUST HAVE A REASON FOR THE USE right?
like "JUST FOLLOW LAW", everything must be in BLACK AND WHITE. so we just follow lor, since got black and white. what can we say? the competition is they pay one.
so their 'logic/reason/contract/rule' is king. we are all just mere slaves abiding to it.
so if we want to argue that "ranks should be given according to their technical points, not whether or not they fell", they
can tell us, "oh, we changed the terms and conditions last minute." and throws us the contract that we signed on and points to the super mini fonts "
*terms and conditions may change without prior notice" .
i'm so cut out to be a detective/investigator by digging out all these unseen acts gone through by them.
but all i can say now is, we already signed on these contracts, so whatever happened, sua lor. we'll just have to look at the rightful rankings based on competitions organised by other people. and that in the competition, both parties must join it. ;D
i believe that it will be a GREAT eye opening and jaw dropping competition.
then it'll be the day the self-proclaimed/self-deluded will not be able to claim the ranks anymore.
just one day, our time to rise/take-over will come. (:
i just feel that it is so unfair.
i'm glad that our side, we're such giving and awesome people. (: and that we do not argue (except me luh) even we do know who did better.
i shall just shut up. who knows who'll read my blog and then complain like typical singaporeans.
yadda yadda gibberish yak. TSK. forget it. already over.
lucas didn't win 1st, but he already won my heart. ;D
and that means, he's the champ in my eyes.
all the others who didn't win are already champions. because all of you had such good spirits that made you all great sportsman. inline culture is rewarded with awesome people like us.
we're not just a team of people put together to compete for wins/be strategically trained.
i love my team mates!
i love my friends!
10:21 AM;
♥ Saturday, August 16, 2008
i didn't upload the photos for national day urban. just briefly talked about it.. so here they are. i brought a camera to take photos of the fireworks actually. but before i even got to see the fireworks, it died on me. but i don't blame the camera for dying. because i din get to catch the fireworks. WOW. it seems like everything was planned.
but i'm glad i got pretty shots of whatever i could see from the long kang river.
*fyi the 'river' was damn filthy. there's dead fishes, potato chips bag, fallen leaves, spit, urine and so on so forth. and and, the view we had were not very pretty. got quite a lot of things blocking our view. but nevermind, a great photographer can take great photos even with a lousy camera/scenery.
note*. MY CAMERA NOT DSL OR WHAT. it's just a normal cam-whore 7.2mega-px camera.

this was the sky after it poured. and this was my view. :l
the happenings are across the bridge, far, far away.

so i just took photos of whatever looked pretty. (:
this is the sunny version of the red sky.

and this is the gloomy version.
i never edit the lightings or what.
all the photos are straight from the camera.

and this is the neighbourhood and their people.
so pretty right!!

if there weren't smoke trials, i doubt you'd EVER find it.

i love this shot. though the buildings are quite unglam.

we started from there, and now we're up here, on top of the bridge.
would've looked better if i was stationary. ):

awesome right? we're on a bridge in the middle of nowhere.
we got stopped by the guarders of the parade. dang.
okay, done with the pretty photos. now for the random, non-artistic photos.

okay these were 1/4 of the people.
so totally can tell that it's gonna rain right! even when i don't say it, it will.

the delusional photo. (:
anw, CAN SEE THE RIPPLES by the raindrops.

YAY, IT STARTED RAINING, so we hid under the bridge for shelter.
the one that we later CLIMBED UP to get chased down.

so we came back to our long kang river.

so cute. (: taken by kat.

the brotherly love.
zac and shawn is cuter. :x

TADUH! MY VIEW! across the bridge, FAR FAR AWAY at the long kang river.
i love you singapore. hugs*

okay, now without zoom. (:
my very first shot of the planes. so i just take without zooming.

take these kinda fast-like-the-speed-of-light jet planes must be super skillful and precise.
if not all photos will end up just like the previous one.
it's saddening.

so after all the skating from ecp to kallangmarinasuntecesplanade, we skated back from esplanadesuntecmarinakallang back to ecp.WHA, it's SUPER FUN! it's like i'm on my own F1 car, speeding pass everyone and shunning those who're in my way, drift here, brake there, scare them a bit. it's worth all the not having to watch the fireworks/getting told off by guards/soaked in the rain/spoilt bearings for 10minutes. after all the hard work, we treated ourselves to KFC! haha. quite stupid. it's just a casual dinner luh. lol. we were all exhausted from the skating.
but anw, we'll be catching the fireworks again on this sunday.
this time i don't know if i will be in the mood to enjoy the fireworks. depends on whatever happens in the afternoon. :l SNFC. sunday. tmr. countdown: exactly 23hours30minutes to 3.30pm, women's slide. oh well. ):
and suddenly i'm so not in the mood to do anything at all.
thank you for reading.
hope you had good laugh/read about my NDP post. (:
and.. i can't go simpang with molly and cath later.. ):
i.. want to go.. boo. sighs.
i'm so lonely, so lonely.. tonight..
-heaves a huge sigh-
3:17 PM;