♥ Thursday, April 30, 2009
HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TO YOU WILSON!also..HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TO YOU KAT!!! =D (9h 45mins in advance!)
yesterday at st james..
something horrible happened.
shall not elaborate, not something very nice to talk about.
and the whole time when the broke down happened, i was thinking..
what would i do if it happened to me? mind boggling.anw, below are some random photos taken with my 2MP phone the past 2 months. ENJOY!!~

handsome little
puppy.. that isn't little anymore..

notice: the 'strand' of saliva stucked onto the car seat!

when he was really little, he laid beside his puddle of pee on the newspaper outside of the bathroom while i was bathing. so cute right! lol!

pork-something from
manpuku (forgot the name), $9.90.
a marche-style dinning restaurant @ tampines 1, level 3.

my fried prawns with omu rice in tomato sauce, $8.80.
there's 10%+7%, GST and service tax.
place to dine in if you've cravings for japanese/korean food and wish to spend $15 below!
(sorry for the poor quality of photos. bah.)
feeling really random today.

WHORE (full-time cam whore =b),
lynn fu signing out!
xoxo, <3
2:09 PM;
♥ Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Felicia: Yea babe! what i'm good at. HAHA. =b
brandon: i put it so ppl can judge for themselves what type of a person she is!
Skye: lol. what's wrong her photo? quite cute ma. =x lol. KIDDING!
CATH: no it's one of the 'cutest' i can find actually! LOL. but.. even if i wanna find others, there isn't anymore cus she made a private blog for her photos. lalala~
Update :
there are new posts.. still as persistent and annoying.
can't believe ppl can actually withstand the amount of shame they're being put in..
and act all upright and innocent.
even tougher than an elephant's skin. kudos, really.
anw, i've enrolled for my driving license finally!
and i've won the bid in ebay for my new phone (not the iphone mini replica =\)!
anw, here are the lineup of events for the next few days..
29APR: St James Powerstation for wilson's countdown bday party!
30APR: Teo Heng @ katong for wilson's 21st bday party!
1MAY: DBL O for kat's 21st unfriendly bday party!
2MAY: City Beach Resort for kat's belated bday party!
4/5MAY: Bffs meet-up before cath's takeoff to U.S!
haha. you know what? SO EXCITED!
another weekend full of things to do to occupy me, if not i'll really get hooked on ebay/blog shopping. BAHH.
I love you people (friends only)!!! xoxo<3.
12:44 AM;
♥ Tuesday, April 28, 2009
so they all broke down.beautifully imperfectthinkfamily.sg
9:19 AM;
♥ Sunday, April 26, 2009
i just blankly watch my WANT-TO-BID item's timer countdown.
cus my head went "what if the phone sucks? what if cannot work? ppl laugh how?"
then i saw it at "7" i refreshed, "5" refreshed "4" refreshed "2" and then i knew..
it's gone.feeling really really lost now.
Question: would you pay.. S$138 for a phone from china that's a mini replica of iphone?(just to get things clear, NO, i'm NOT desperate for an iphone, i
wanna buy a phone.. that's
CHEAP and usable. okay?! BUDGET. )
i need a new phone but since i'm paying for myself, i'll opt for a practical yet cheap phone. LOL.
as long as i can call, msg and use it efficiently like a regular nokia/SE/samsung, I'M HAPPY!
aiya, nvm, shall just buy it instead of bidding. =\
difference of S$23. that's a lot of money okay. grrrr.
if i was a rich girl..
see, i'd have all the money in the world
if i was a wealthy girl............ my cash flow would never end.RIGHT. IF AH, IF I WAS.i need you, that's why i love you. (03:13am.) $_$!
felicia: haha. awesome rigggggght! =D i knew it. <3 tai: yes! that's why i said sacrifice. ='c stupid ken thinks that's me. *stabs myself*
jav: eeee. so meeeeeeeeeean! but i like. haha.
and it's been really quiet suddenly.
i think the ostriches have sunken their heads deep into the burrow. =b
btw, no, i'm not active cus i'm too free (like how some ppl might put it).
i've been waiting to bid on an item on ebay. HEH.
i must win the bid. will show you guys if i've won the item! GOOD LUCK LYNN! =\
didn't go for training. slept till idk-what-time in-the-morning. eeks.
went down to the rink but didn't skate much, which was good..
if not i'd probably be the one in the hospital right now. ='c
Quanyang had his wrist broken while sliding in the rink.
THE BONE BROKE.okay. imagine you're wearing a watch on your left hand..
stretch out your arm, from your fingertips to the watch strap..
that whole part shifted to the left. yes, that's what happened to QY. =\
and though i was the first person to witness his fall, i didn't react much.. AT FIRST.
(cus when i saw him fall, it wasn't really THAT serious ma. aikes.)
it was until i saw the distortion/mutation of his wrist and realised that..
HIS BONE BROKE AND HIS HAND IS HANGING ONTO JUST THE FLESH.it's really damn freaky and disturbing. argh!
okay, enough of the description. the images are bubbling and i'm getting squeamish.
hope QY recovers soon! so that he can.. come... back and... skate?
even i'm having second thoughts about it. T-T
life is fragile and you won't know what will happen next.always expect the unexpected.
11:31 PM;
♥ Saturday, April 25, 2009
FRESH FROM HER TAGBOARD! (i don't understand the sentence on the top. oh well.)
- QQ
who wanna b PEA BRAIN zac's ex...Shouting our for FAT BABE...its nt 'cat' , its Qliu fcuking 'nick .NOOB +DUMB
- QQ
i don hav to show off in blogging FCUK brains..i like to KPO..coz can get to noe wat sorelosers..giv a better names...fresh pls! i came frm pussy huts
(undoubtedly!) - QQ
did sombody say sth ?..OMG...president...they tink they are pornstars...president read their porn blogs..so awesome...come la..president HCare lor
this goes to show, they're all of the same kind. QQ: what porn blogs? pussy huts? fuck brains? better names? something fresh?
you're an insolent sourpuss, a yabbering wimp, a repulsive douchebag.
your unceasing criticisms is better used on yourself. go give your snatch a good throb and stop repeating yourself.
fancy YOU of all people calling others pea-brain. compared to you, at least we still have brains.
so i think that isn't at all a bad thing.
beware of the next attack of the wantons. ROAR
shall prepare for skating! =\
until tonight when i'm surfing the net again..
i'll be back.
This post is specially for QQ and dii.
InformationName: QiNliU aka JiNkiX KiNkiX.
Age: 21 year old (but underdeveloped brains)
Email: qinliu.88@hotmail.com/qinliu_
dog@hotmail.com (THAT IS HER EMAIL. really-.-)
http://thebeautyorcrueltyoflife-love.blogspot.comFacebook: http://ja-jp.facebook.com/people/JiNkix-KinKix/1550149858
i was oblivious to the events that was happening on my tagboard until my informant msned me with tags: "tagboard, bitch, crazy, read."
fyi QiNliU(how old already still type like that), i'm not a fan of your blog, someone told me about it so i went to look.
I blogged it cus i know you read my blog (duh), so whether he's sorry or not (doesn't matter), i want you to know you're really despicable and i'll never be sorry for being mean.
oh btw, can someone explain what " you really gave me a good laugh at yourself." means?
i'm confused.
me, a wannabe wanton? why would i want to be like you? i'm like

times better off being myself.
i wrote the entry to get you agitated and there, it has realised. the words you girls hurled at me are better kept for yourselves. thank you much.
also, i don't wanna f*** you even if i'm lesbian(2nd reminder), so f*** off instead.
go visit the person who tagged you - http://absolutaffairs.blogspot.com (VIBRATORS!)
(i didn't know you were really into this. dang. people will barf 2 milliseconds into watching you, so don't post it on sites, people might die.)
- honey-
LOL!Brainless *****es usually like to pick on innocent people!Just Ignore them la,wasting ur time~Haha.Brainless and Slut~Haha.Suay Chee!LOL!!
- - QQmeii
they really suay chee... LOL!
- QQmeii
their pussy grew too much hair ' boom ,amazon forest ' nv shave but instead shoved their pig heads into other ppl's assholes --WOOOO grosss !!
- QQmeii
WATS WATS on ur blog , i nv view bfore, but once viewed wat i saw ?!!!...corrupted by malaysian Whores?? let them go back to their "hantu" kampong hut
apparently QQ is her mei. must be those out-dated jie, kor, di, mei relationship. but who cares, it's all for her and her no brainer chums.oh btw, your dumb friend thinks i'm malaysian too? lol. i'm singaporean and i love to insult rude, shallow and typical singaporeans who annoy me.
to all the slow processing pentium 0.05 brains, take your time to read. =)
okay here i go. no niceties.
(maybe i'll be the next xx. lol. criticize people and become famous. respect.)
#1. Just ignore them la, wasting ur time. Brainless and slut. (wth is suay chee)
honey-: well, please ask your friend what she said first. she's really good at throwing the f word around, so if you don't actually know the f word can offend ppl, do some research. otherwise, tell her to use her words wisely.
#2. QQ: who cares if my bush is more developed than the amazon? i don't flash it around, i don't wank and i'm not a nympho. so does it matter if i shave or not? besides, there's nobody whom i'll show my bush to. i'm a chaste old-fashioned idiot (unlike you).
head shove into ppl's ass? who does that? people do it to you? wow then i must say you got a really loose (x

) hole.. i'm certain you'll be highly paid by drug traffickers to stuff the dope into those holes while the police are doing scans/checks when overseas. ha.
#3. what's wrong with being malaysian? you have to pick on people's nationality? if you've a problem with it then don't drink the water they provide us with.
whores! joke! at least being a whore is a licensed occupation. on top of that, they're wanted by men. at least they're upright about it compared to those who secretly buy a vibrator and wank themselves while watching porn.
#4. well if we look like hantus, you look like you!
AND WE STILL LOOK BETTER!!! ( LYNN has pwned QiNliU's head for 250 gold.)
DON'T MESS WITH PEOPLE'S SURNAMES. F-edUp. lowdown move.(pick on my surname, funny is it? bloody moron.)
#6. hot latina wannabe -> help by shoving my head up an elephant's ass?
Question: what link is there?
Answer: No link.
#7. a wanton calling me a whore, slut, prostitute, 烂女人. i need to digest. unfathomable.
BABOS love love me? Gabor Babos
?! i don't mind if he loves me. =) good-looking chap. haha.
and dii, who are you? lol. and how the hell have i offended you? dolt.
lastly, you all stupidly came to my blog, hurled all the weirdest insults ever, hoping to achieve what?
the people who come here are most likely to be friends of mine. doing what you did will only get even more people to know about what snide remarks you randomly give and how abhorrent you all really are.
oh, and if you want to tag, don't say such tacky things. we have parents and kids reading our blogs. don't contaminate our boards with what your filthy mind has to say.
so if you're not ashamed already, go on, spam the tagboard (wisely) and refresh my blog every 10 minutes when you're free.
your ultimate intelligence is my stupidity.bloody nutcase.
besides, it's mind over matter.i don't mind cus you don't matter.
2:53 AM;
♥ Friday, April 24, 2009
had happy pot yesterday with rohi, rebecca, felicia, zhu, vivan, jaslyn, taitai, quanyang, danny, matthew, maria, shawn, kat, marcus, eddy, jireh and ziyi (i remembered how everyone sat!).
it was fun. =)
well, i've learnt that what simong said was very very true.
they are very much like us. it was nice to have talked to them..
talked about her ex-bf.
i told her to give him one last try, and if he seriously doesn't change..
i'll keep my hands off. =\
you know.. i'd want my friends to be happy with their decisions.
he's been selfish with his decisions so..
HE HAS TO CHANGE!!! (hint hint.)
quote: to pursue your dream, giving up your family will only put you at a loss.
but anw! about last night, i ate a bit only.
i wasn't really hungry at all + the self-barbecuing made me have a small appetite.
i'm not as reliant alr, so if you see that i'm alone, I AM THERE BY MYSELF. okayyy? =b
i had a lot in mind to talk about but i can't think of what i want to say now. -.-
bahh. until the next time then! =)
1:14 PM;
♥ Wednesday, April 22, 2009
anny: why eeee! we'll go tgt soon okay? i want to be a hot latina. =D lololol.
kat: aiya, don't bother luh! waste my time and energy! she's f-ed up.
tai: AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. mine too! really feel like abrasions. =\
anw decided to align everything to the left cus i'm getting pretty sick of the disgustingly messy in-the-center posts. hope everyone can enjoy reading now. -.-
those actions, the things said.
it made me feel really uncomfortable. well to me it's improper and wrong.
even for someone who's decently available, i don't think it's okay to have done that.
maybe it's just for show, maybe it's just for fun.
maybe you like it, maybe people's impression don't mean much.
maybe you don't care. maybe you think it's alright.
no, you have the wrong thinking.
yes, who cares about what people say as long as you're fine with it.
but some things are better left undone.
i'm a friend, i can't slap you in the face and scold you like your mother would.
all i can do is tell you indirectly that i really don't feel right about your actions.
it's messed up, and like i've said a million times, "you all damn scandalous can?! tsk!"
everything takes 2 hands to clap.
one can initiate, the other can always reject. that's my rules when in a club.
be it drinking, smoking, dancing, grinding/arms all over you.
it's not just about saying no. it's learning how to protect yourself.
i hope this message will get through to you.
i feel like a granny. damn it.
BTW QINLIU, those annoying pink boxes with 'msg from a friend' grabbed our attentions, congratulations.
his msg means zilch cus he doesn't even know a shit about what you did you wanking wanton.
you should say sorry to me instead for wasting my time and being so sinful for calling a poor dog names. f, there i go again. QINLIU AH QINLIU, SHOO.
2:49 PM;
♥ Tuesday, April 21, 2009
oh yes, i totally forgot to mention about how liberal the foreigners in sentosa can be.
in singapore, you know how people are so conservative that a halter back/bareback top/low-cut dress can raise people's eyebrows and all..
but some foreigners (caucasians) who were at cafe del mar went topless.
i admit, i was appalled (cus i'm a pretty typical old-fashioned conservative idiot myself).
singaporeans ah, who dare go topless confirm kena picked on. confirm!
it's cool that they're so open-minded about it that they even brought their culture to singapore. salute. respect ah respect.
besides this, something more shocking happened.
when we were bathing, 2 blatant china women came in.
they tried to push our bathroom doors open(cannot hear the waters running huh?), and complained "WHY SO SLOW? TAKE SO LONG TO BATHE? TSK" when they stepped into the ladies for a short span of 3 minutes only (considering they took 1 minute to push one door).
lucky me, i placed my bag at the door so they couldn't really open it (fyi the doors had no locks to it). but poor maria got stared at by those women for maybe a full 3-4 seconds before they realised oh-they-had-to-close-the-door-cus-there's-a-human-inside..
and the most shocking of all is -drum roll-...
when they couldn't stand waiting, they just stripped themselves outside.
so i was welcomed by a couple of naked women and 2 handful of bush when i stepped out of the cubicle. how very welcoming indeed.
YEA RIGHT. the bottom so much bush still dare to strip! kns.
i mean if you want to show your body, it's best to be hairless luh.
or at least have them straightened. lols. damn disturbing.
maybe that's the culture in china. alright, there's nothing wrong to strip.
i have nothing against chinese women from china.
i just dislike rude, ill-mannered china women.
it's a public toilet and you seriously haven't waited for as long as you thought you did so shut up.
to top it all off, they can talk behind my back LITERALLY while i was putting on my contact lense. like so bloody obvious they were looking at me and whispering 'qiao qiao hua' (secret in chinese) to each other.
okay, that's all i wanted to share. lols.
btw i need a new bikini! my bloody non-tanline so fat. i mean thick.
one chunk of untanned skin right smack on the left and right of my chest. ****.
good night ppl! i shall go and get some sleep!
supposed to send my mom off at 6am. went to the airport, spam called my cousin, called my grandma only to find out that the flight is at 7pm. -.- retarded. sleep.
5:27 AM;
♥ Monday, April 20, 2009
It was a blast yesterday at Sentosa. =)
though a lot of us were lateeeeeeeeeeeee, most of us turned up.
and i'm super burnt, more than i thought i would be!
my shoulders hurt like abrasions luh! pain pain. ='c
anw, i reaaaally reaaaaaally wanna go tanning on a fornightly basis.
or maybe once a month? anyone..?
but hor, i was quite anti-social yesterday. HAHAHA.
cus i hate the sand, the sun and the sea. =\
but to get more tanned naturally, i can only go to the beach. BAH!
so whilst all of them were playing in the waters, i was lying on my POLAR FLEECE/mat
(fyi, a polar fleece is like a blanket.) suntanning with zhu. lol.
wasn't quite interested to play in the seawater.. so dirty and salty luh!
the amount of pee and oil inside.. tsk tsk tsk!
but later on we used the pool in cafe del mar..
(credits to vivan and her friends for spending a whooping 500+bucks.)
and we started playing with rohi's waterproof camera. lol.
so scary luh! the sony waterproof camera looks exactly like any normal camera, but it can take photos in water. what if it decides not to be waterproof anymore?! confirm spoil can?!
rohi offered to take a photo for us underwater.. and taduh, kat was hooked. -.-
super duper enthu about the camera and made rohi spam for us. MY EYES!!
ziyi, maria, vivan and i were all wearing contact lense.. except for.. *ahem.
then slowly the boys came in too.. so we played with the camera for quite some time and dipped in the pool for really long and started a new activity.
stripping the boys. =\ first victim was rohi. HAHA. leaving him in his boxers.
then jireh. rohi helped to strip, then took his pants leaving jireh with no pants. so smart.
then gabriel (who was wearing underwear instead of boxers).. aikes.
so they took their pants and played monkey..
i was lol-ing all the way in one corner until ziyi threw me jireh's pants. i was so lost luh.
(you know i'm a very nice person, i don't like to bully ppl..)
BUT, i din give him back his pants. =\ so i threw it back to ziyi (eeks, sorry jireh!) and escaped.
then second round of stripping started with danny.
which turned into a wedgie instead cus danny was reluctant to have his pants down..
so they said "cannot pull down your pants ah? pull up lor!"
and taduh, wedgie victims were: danny, wee chun and yew tai. eeks. poor things. =\
anw, i've learnt that:
1) tanning can only be done with a lot of people. (cus i will never go to the beach ALONE.)
2) rohi is a nice person. (cus he asked bout my voice before & i hate ppl to question me about authenticity. yes my voice sibei nasal, but it's like that can?! grrrr.)
3) they can make very good friends.. =) they are such steady and ONz people.. i like!
i'm a female pimp, i'm surrounded by males.
fortune is on my left(my 8yo jack russell) and puppy is on my right(my 4month old stray).
both leaning on my lap and sleeping.. hello, i really look like wall is it?
AND, i wanna go dancing! =)
someone bring me go dance dance!
ANYWAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKY (a bit too late) AND ZHUZHU! <3i love you both many many!
12:50 PM;
♥ Friday, April 17, 2009
SAD AHhhh. ='c

Okay. This is gonna sound really boring and dry but i'm still gonna say it.
i've spent a whole 4 days over at lucas's place, (no, we're not horny bitches who can't keep our hands off each other. besides, his 4 room flat has 9 people staying in currently, LOL) and i really reallyyyyyy miss my home.
if i say, i worked for lucas as a clerk. hmm.. you should get the picture right?
i've been helping him with his hmwk (compiled over 4 months i suppose), and there's so much bloody work to do. -.- i'm very nice okay!
i never throw tantrums when i'm hungry and need food.
see why i've been losing weight unwantedly?! MY BF IS STARVING ME!
(and my boobs have shrunken and they're tiny now. i want back my boobies! and maybe my fat ass! i rather have a fat ass than a flat ass. BOOHOOHOO.)
I ate:
3 pieces of chicken, half of a medium mashed potato and a medium coleslaw for dinner on tuesday.
2 pieces of pizza, 2 pieces of spicy wings and 2 pieces of garlic bread for dinner on wednesday.
a piece of carrot cake (those $0.90 for 1 square piece) and a bowl of chicken noodles for lunch and a bowl of wanton noodles for dinner on thursday!
ONE/TWO MEAL A DAY and i sleep at the most unearthly hours.
i think i'm going to look like i'm 28 soon. =c ARGH.
But anyway, I am going home soon!! waiting for his brother to come back so lucas can send me home.
i'll reach home to be welcomed by that retarded pup.
we call him puppy ("he is a very handsome boy" as said by the vet) but my mom calls him LUI!
LUI= MONEY in hokkien. so my er jie names him "LOUIS" as in Louis Vuitton with the silent S.
okay side-track.
anyway, lucas's grandma damn hip. she said something really funny..
when i changed the tv channel to chn5 and it was showing american idol, she said to us "wha, american idol again?! they do so many episodes of american idol.. soon the whole america will be american idols."
quite true. bloody don't know how many seasons of american idol, america's next top model and america's got talent.
then miki (lucas's cousin) told me 1 of the most outrageous thing i've ever heard.
"today take mrt from sch (boon lay) i slept all the way to pasir ris sia.. then go back and slept to commonwealth.. then i take mrt back to aljunied."
SALUTE. i think he spent half of his day inside the mrt.
*beep**beeeep**beep**beeeepp* !#@$%$&($!@#
nvm. i get repaid for doing his hmwk.
one dress for each task. and i finished 4 tasks.
i'm such a nice girlfriend.
tsk tsk. okay. got to do the stuffs now. grrrr...
visit http://www.sexvibrators.blogspot.com
WHA!! rabbit vibrators! cool shit.
i want to buy it for one of my girlfriend's 21st birthday.. hmm.. who shall it be? =x
AND! i wanna hire stripdancers/lapdancers for my birthday!
ANYONE WANNA WORK FOR ME? $50 for 10 mins? HAHA.
i'm being ultra random in this post luh! don't mind me. LOLOLOLOL.
1:42 AM;
♥ Sunday, April 12, 2009

An admirable
but not always gentle character (true true), the Sagittarius/Dragon is a warrior on the grand scale.
These people are attractive and ambitious. They believe in success and forge ahead with bravura toward that aim. Never bullish or hotheaded, this character's style is
gentlemanly (i told you i was a man) and dignified. Sagittarius/Dragons are not afraid of danger.
They take great risks and even court peril. They dance around the flame of adventure and derring-do but they rarely get seriously burned. Dragons born in Sagittarius outwit their enemies, hoist them on their own petards and invite them to lunch the next day. Victory, after all, calls for a celebration.
Nobody can match this fire-breathing powerhouse in the bedroom (?!?!?). Being sentimental, he or
she makes much of marriage and proves an excellent parent (yay!). He likes a busy life, crowded with kin and festivity. These crowds are never invited to the bedroom.
The Sag/Dragon is an arch romantic (oouuhhh!). A thousand candles lit in honor of one sexual exploit could never be enough.
well, about my weekend..
it was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. =)
i spent quite a bomb cabbing to multiple places and paying for the entrance to zouk.
first, i cabbed to ecp for the meeting at 8.30pm just to step out, take a few breaths of air and leave ecp to wilson's place. ($$$)
supposed to go to lucas's place but both lucas and i just reached ec so he stayed at ec to skate while wilson drove javier and i to his place to change then met up with jasmine and cabbed to zouk. ($$$)
paid to get a stamp on my hand into phuture. ($$$)
didn't feel very good to be there cus it's so bloody packed it was suffocating.
i almost fought with 2 ppl. GUYS not girls. f-ed up.
2 people of the same pea-sized brain, dancing with girls that they can grab hold of, ignored the fact that there are OTHER humans there who need their space too.
when i shrugged him off, he pushed even harder until i elbowed him and he turned to me and say that OH, HE GOT NO SPACE, but he can dance with his girl and move so vigorously when i am being squashed at the spot.
i tapped on his shoulder 5 times, then started hitting it just to get his attention. and when he turned i said nicely "can you stop treating me as a wall" and he shouted at me. =)
i would've threw a punch to their faces. but consequences were, i might be beaten up too.
guys are unpredictable. you cannot tell whether they will/will not lay their fist on a girl cus they can already shout at me, what's a punch across my face?
i really have a lot of male chromosomes. it's funny really.
when my mom was pregnant with me, she did a scan and the doctor told my family that
"CONGRATS, it's a son!". =O oh well. -sidetrack-
all the nonsense ended at 4am+.
cabbed to wilson place to pick my bag and lucas fetched me and sent me home. ($$$)
i hate to drink. no forcing please, thank you. grrrr..
went to the hello campaign and screamed my lungs out. we were outside swensen's, just beside paragon when i said to eddy ..
me: eh can sing the song 'if you're happy and you know it say hello!'
walter, eddy and some others: HELLO!
everyone started to shout/sing. seriously lor, without me, we'd just stick to saying plain hellos.
so that song became our "hello cheer".
it was damn fun, we were all damn high and it's a one time experience.
at the end of the campaign, we were all sticky, throats sore from the shouting and really really drained.
so it rained when we planted our butts outside the mrt station when we finished our jobs.
ate nasi lemak at PS basement with kat, eddy, paul and charles. ($$$)
5pm+, bused down to katong H.O.P to play dota with kat, eddy, weechun, ken, nigel, walter, jordon, tingfei and brent. ($$$)
cabbed to ec with tingfei, kat and weechun at 9.25pm for 'training'. ($$$)
nobody was training, ground was wet so we slacked.
some of them headed to watch a movie while i shared a cab home with eddy. ($$$)
woke up at 2pm+. besties sheena and anny came over to my house for a bit. =)
caught up, dressed up, gossiped and left to meet cat at 7pm.
sheena drove us to ecp (!!!) and we had the barbecue steamboat.
all of us were so hot (forever one luh) and tired from the cooking so we stopped eating.
each of us paid $18 when we only ate like.. $7.50 worth of food.
i don't mind spending that kinda money every fortnight just to catch up.
and, we have so many plans for the year ahhhhh!!!
1) malaysia before US trip
2) zouk before US trip
3) bali, pending
4) thailand, pending
anw, i love my mummy so much. =D
i love daddy too. i like my life like that.
i hope i can occupy everyday with something exciting.
HAVE FUN PEOPLE! we're all too young to get married!! (random.) LOL.
11:58 PM;
♥ Friday, April 10, 2009
Boys, Men, Whatever.
i overheard this 2 guys when they were having a conversation.
it goes...
1: so your gf and you okay already?
2: it's okay.. i'm single. i eliminated her.
1: you all broke up?
2: ya. it's okay.. she'll come back to me i'm sure.
1: *silent*
2: i bet with you $10 she'll be back by monday.
1: ya right, you still owe me $10 from the previous bet..
me: Zzz. omgwtfgnd.
speechless. i don't think girls are really that needy.
because men are aplenty, especially such big-headed ones.
anw, my bf and i are fine.. again.. =)
i just can't help but to feel pissed about how in/sensitive he can be sometimes.
like wilson says "you don't know what men are actually thinking."
so i said "men too. you don't know what we are thinking either."
then i added "be gay lor. go poke each other."
all of us broke out laughing.
if you don't try to understand what the opposite species wants..
only conclusion is, LOVE YOUR OWN SPECIES!
then you wouldn't rack your brains half of your lifetime trying to know someone so difficult.
but then, i'm very compromising.
that's why i still like my bf.
anyway, is anyone taking driving lessons?
who wanna book same day lessons as me so we can go CDC together?!
i've thought about driving the whole night yesterday and my heart pounds really hard just thinking about having an instructor sit beside me while i'm driving.
i can't do things properly when people are looking at me luh. FAG.
HOW? i'm doooooooooooomed. =c
FRIDAY- training day. maybe going to zouk.
SATURDAY- Hello Campaign day.
SUNDAY- bestfriend/class gathering! again again again! =)
i want to go zouk at least once a month.
i want to dance my flabs away.
i want to learn how to be confident.
i want to bring back my sexy dance moves!
okay, till then.
1:18 AM;
♥ Tuesday, April 07, 2009
i googled her name.. =D
and i found this long ago friend's blog.
she wrote about whatever that has been happening to her recently.
she said she popped by our blogs.
and regretted not coming for the gathering.
AND then..
said that we've despised her all her life..
and she doesn't really care. hmm.
i don't understand what made her say all those.
in fact, from sec 1-3 she was my 2nd best friend.
and that for her, we've done a lot of mean things to another friend of ours
(who is my best girlfriend now)
just for the fun of it and to tease her.
miss, if you ever pop into my blog again, please note.
i've never hated you and i still don't, to me you're just an acquaintance.
not a friend, neither a foe.
i never found you cheap, i just think you're wasted.
i've always told people that you can be a very nice friend but
a lot of the things you did made us feel very unjustified
that's why we chose to drift away from you.
''~:.._____<(^(o o)^)>_____..:~''
i'm bored.
ANW, my dad's artery op is done and he's discharged.
dad and mom are getting older and sicknesses are failing them.
i've offered to help out at the fruit stall and mom says for that,
she'll pay for my driving lessons. =)
bummed for soooo long so...
i'm planning to get my license in 4 months time.
JIAYOU lynn.
COMFORT DELGRO here i come ah! =)
5:53 PM;
♥ Sunday, April 05, 2009
bad year for couples this year.
have heard of a lot of separating/break ups in this 4 months of 2009.
HEY, should i follow the trend?
i've been upset, pissed, disappointed etc etc.
but who knows?
and who cares really?
i get 1 or 2 missed calls when i hang up.
that's the best someone can do to get to me.
i'm tired. i feel like giving up.
i'd say yea, i am always the one who create the spark.
but i don't usually make it rage into a fire.
and even when the fire burns the whole of SEA
nobody will try to do anything about it.
so sad hor.
nobody knows what happens between a couple behind the scenes.
i'm not sufficed.
i just don't know..
how far i can hold on till.
how long i can tolerate.
how much i can give.
live with it, don't leave it.
mend it, don't break it.
there's only so much i can do.
oh well. take care people.
good things are usually short-lived.
i hope daddy's artery op tmr will make him feel better.
hope all goes well.
10:22 PM;