♥ Friday, May 29, 2009
It's hard to let go...The fact is, it's impossible especially when you still love it.(But you have to when 'it' has done something wrong. Well, only humans err.)2nd sis says she's not in the mood for anything anymore..
because of the pup, she wants to cancel her ROM which is on the 26th of next month.
Though i'm not as attached to puppy as she is, the thought of puppy whining when daddy and the uncle dragged him away from home upsets me.
The scene reminded me of when the uncle at the 8th floor, who was dragging his jack russell and it refused to move. He hit the dog's tail with his black slippers and the dog was whining so loudly some people came out from their HDB flats to see what was happening. I was included.
I scurried down the stairs wearing my green wahiro t-shirt and BRALESS plus my female boxers (home slacks) only to see the man, tugging on the dog's leash and hitting his tail. The poor dog looked at me with teary eyes and the only thing i could do was stop and stare.
The man feeling some sort of guilty then carried the dog down. And when i saw that, i went back home. 3 minutes later, it was whining again. I was so tempted to call the SPCA but did not cus after a short while later, the whining stopped.
If i could feel so much for someone else's dog.. and my puppy was in the exact same situation..
of course i felt even more annoyed that my dad and mom was doing the same thing to the puppy.
i didn't talk to them for a day. 2nd sis is not talking to them at all.
and if she really plans to cancel her ROM, dad and mom would get so upset cus they already know that we're both angry about their decision to give the dog away to a random family who claims they're eager to keep the dog.
Now 2nd sis is pushing me. she's telling me to go and get the puppy back before she cancels her ROM. so now i seriously have no idea what to do. argh.
I passed my btt yesterday.. the 2 E-trial tests right before the BTT helped. =\
(JAVIER & LUCAS,) i saw Suri when the first E-trial test ended. lol.
She looked at me and i looked at her while talking on the phone and she walked away.
Now she has other clothes to wear outside of her black shirt+minah jeans+sneakers closet.
Okay, i'm going to sound like a complete idiot if i carry on.
I'm going to think of what to do about puppy, my sister and dad and mom.
3:24 PM;
♥ Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I'm very upset.
Mom gave the dog to this random uncle that sells minced pork noodles at bedok corner.
I asked "what if he ill-treats the dog? what if he abandons it? don't anyhow give away lor.."
She said his daughter likes dogs and wants to keep one. BUT they already have one dog at home.. and when i asked him what breed is his dog, he is clueless.
I have my doubts about this uncle.
He's so damned eager to keep the puppy and says his daughter wants to keep one when they already HAVE ONE? Doesn't make bloody sense.
I am going to request to see puppy one week later.
My er jie got so pissed with my parents..
Apparently the pup is the most attached to her.. so.. ya.
Stupid puppy, greed for food allowed my parents to lure him out of the house.
I couldn't say anything. Decision lies with my 2nd sis. oh well.
I miss the irritating-want-to-lick-my-face-and-seek-attention-all-the-time puppy already. ='c
And as if it's not upsetting enough already, my period...
is causing a whole emotional wreck.
I don't think i can sleep like that.
and like my day isn't bad enough, some idiots from dota had to annoy me further.
effing retards.
seriously i understand why most pretty singaporean girls choose to be lesbian.
Face it.
I need to hypnotise myself to get to bed. I have so much to think about.
Good night.
What a way to start the day.
2:23 AM;
♥ Wednesday, May 20, 2009
anny: yes, soon sweetheart. SOOOOOOOONNNN!!!!
aki: eh, i've been staying indoors! don't laugh at ppl, you're also in a terrible state lor! =x recover soon! if that helps. we will visit you & celebrate your 21st with you (and your wheel-chair)!
kat: you get well soon too huns. =)
don: yay, we all suffer together! & that night i was still having hong mo. =\ sorry to have missed your competition..
wiL: okay. i tried a bit on my calves. it eases the itch but it's not recovering! ='c
jasmine: i will!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!
SOON!that being said, nope, i haven't recovered. will recover soon, I HOPE. really.
it's been getting on my nerves. haven't been able to watch a tv programme peacefully.
about 15mins after planting my ass on the couch, my legs and arms will start to itch..
and i will scratch and scratch and scratch till both thighs and arms turn red and 'texturized'.
new age tattoo? skin-scarification-like. seriously.
prickly heat powder doesn't work very well.
only works after a cold bath. but i still spam it like nobody's business.
i bought the bottle of powder on saturday. and there's like around 2/5 of powder left.
just imagine the torture i'm in.
i don't know how chicken pox feels like. i just know this hong mo is making me go crazy.
pain CAN tahan. ITCH CANNOT. dang.
and really if it still doesn't plan to retreat tmr, I AM GOING TO THE DOCTORS. -.-
to get a jab if it will help the hong mo to give up overtaking my body. grrrr.
will post damn fugly photos of it soon. HAH.
until i recover.
good bye readers. pray i can see light soon. =c
8:27 PM;
♥ Saturday, May 16, 2009
monday i developed a runny nose/flu from the strong smelling green tea aromatherapy my mom put in the living room.
then had a late bath at around 2am, washed my hair and slept. developed fever of 38.7 degree celcius.
woke up to a sore throat and back ache.
suspected of having swine flu. (BAHHH.) i don't wanna die so went to the doctors.
had throat inflammation instead. am on medication until now. -.-
the sore throat continued, fever and flu went away. the cough came.
then thursday developed some weird rash around my calves. and feet. and then my whole back.
still have them now.. whole family told me it's some "hong mo" (red ink, direct translation) where my body is heaty on the inside but 'liang' (cool) on the outside.
i have disgusting skin. even more than ever. ass.
this is so not funny.
i'm going to bathe now. let's see if i'm not grumpy and can make it to the rink later.
and i see cath in new york shopping and having cute boys around her. =c
i want to go too. boo.
11:46 AM;
♥ Sunday, May 10, 2009
things are getting bland
and i'm getting less and less attached.
someone better do something about it pronto.
but i figure i can make do with being solitary.
in advance. =x
besides, there's always a mother in us somewhere.
7:00 PM;
♥ Saturday, May 09, 2009

his face so chui. =\ damn old alr, but still hyperactive.

Fel: relinked!
Kat: i don't know she edited. and i can't find where she posted it either. =\
Danny: aiyo. i'm agitated cus i've been explaining and repeating myself since forever. i hate to repeat myself cus i'm an impatient idiot. so.. ya. lol. -.-
ANW, jordon's party wasn't very much like a party.
aiyo, a 16th birthday party is like.. omg 16?! boring luh. =x
your life officially starts at the age of 18.
all the under 18 ppl, whatever you do, you're UNDERAGED.. and it's ILLEGAL!!
i've been there, done that, we've all been illegal a few times of our lives.
but truth be told, i'm not TOTALLY legal yet. =c
still underaged for R(A)21 movies. boohoo.
when it's official, i'll go check out
YANGTZE and the ah peks they have there!!
also, to see for myself what kinds of ppl actually visit yangtze! HAHAHA.
all the lewd, hungry-for-porno, can't-wait-to-release-themselves men.. hmmm.
i've seen porn but i haven't watched a movie that has real real porn.
(nc-16 and m18 only semi-porn. lol.)
first porn experience was with my 2nd sis(erjie) and her female friend when we were in taiwan watching porn on national tv at midnight before bedtime.
LOL. i was 16 that time! =x
i've always emphasized on this incident cus i find it so amusing.
3 girls on a holiday, exploring taiwan, tired, supposed to sleep but couldn't.
switched on the tv, all bloody cctv, cnbc, bbc and sports news (KNS), switched channels until we saw a "1900-call-me-baby" advert, exclaimed and decided it was the most interesting thing to watch on tv (cus singapore don't have ma!).
watched, giggled and laughed for 25mins (fyi all the private parts were censored), 5 mins of silence and i fell asleep. HAHA.
the same thing happened on the 2nd night. the other nights we went to k-box to sing instead.
and once we got stopped by the police on patrol duty.
police: "how old are you? show me your ids."
sis: "we are visitors. not locals."
police: "sorry but the streets are closed at 11pm and everyone must be indoors at this time."
sis: "okay sure, didn't know the rules here. thanks and sorry bout it."
i feel like retiring from the competitive side of it.
it's not in me to compete anymore. =c oh well..
and the neighbours who live on my left are being a total bitch.
they've alr been bitchy about how my dog fortune barks at them when they walk pass.
now there's puppy too. -.-
when i smiled at the father, he looked at me and gave me the "you expect me to smile to you when my kids and wife are afraid of your dog that everytime they walk pass your house it's like walking a path of hell. they're terrified and now you've even got another dog." face. lol.
but i realised one thing. there are 3 flats to my left and my fortune only barks at their family.
for the other 2 families, fortune will just lay on the floor and watch them walk pass.
animal instincts. of course they're somewhat evil that's why my dog barks at them. tsk.
k, lazy to write more. been too active on my blog cus of qinliu.
i'm retiring. lol.
until next time. =D
look at the photo my phone takes. there's an error and cus we're being flashbanged by his phone, it turned out like this. ARGH. NEW PHONE. 10days, just 10more days.
3:13 PM;
♥ Wednesday, May 06, 2009
i got sick of helping
qinliu make amendments on what she says.
this is my last post for the never-say-die-until-it-becomes-annoying
also the last interesting read on how
sarcastic i can get when i become an irritating
lil pest.
(it's driving my readers away
luh. T-T BOO.. )
#1. FUCK. the word is
offensive. you shouldn't have said the word.
comments sky and i made was the least offending.
god knows what made you throw a fit and
reply to sky's comment (which created the
i post what i want. i write what i wish. i even have the freedom to post
(link - http://www.garyng174.blogspot.com. amateur stuff that made it to the
newpapers -.-)
unless you have my password to blogger,
you cannot control what lynnfu.bs can post.#3. since you put your photo up on your blog, and
there's no copyrights..
i must seek permission and acknowledgment just to publish a post with your photo?
i post your photo as long as i have and can produce it.i have no rights to do it but there's nothing wrong in doing it either. =b#4.
btw there's no mistake. i WANTED to post your photo. so why
should i edit stuffs like you?
i stand for what i say, and i still do. you are detestable with little or close to no friends at all. i sympathise with your plight, really.
actually there's a whole lot more of stuffs that i can pick on but
i'm going to cut things short.
here are the few of my favourite phrases that i used. =D
- you didn't make a mistake
cus your whole life, it's
alr a mistake itself.
- respect is earned, not given.
- go give your snatch a good
throb and stop repeating yourself.
- fancy you of all
ppl calling others pea-brain. compared to you, at least we still have brains.
- i don't wanna fuck you even if
i'm lesbian, so fuck off instead.
- i didn't know you're really into this(wanking). people will barf 2 milliseconds into watching you, so don't post it on sites,
ppl might die.
- if we look like
hantus, you look like you! and we still look better.
- judge not you be not judged, for whatever judgments you judge it will be measured back at you.
- your ultimate intelligence is my stupidity.
- it's mind over matter. i don't mind
cus you don't matter.
qinliu_dog@hotmail.com. i will look at it how i want to.
fill in the blanks. underscore( _ ) =
look like,
is a and
forever a.
depends on how creative each
individual can be, and i can be super creative.
i'm stopping here. too damned late. wanna watch my
zhong yi da ge da.
and switch off my laptop and save electricity.
my desktop is on, my laptop is on, he on his laptop and my
tv is on. EARTH HOUR TIME.
okay. goodbye to you
qinliu. no more 'PUBLISHING YOU'. =b
anw, the puppy is so
retardedly cute.. when i open my mouth to bite him he licks my teeth. -.-
LOL. damn retarded right!
and, my mom talked to puppy just now.. "handsome boy ah? *pauses* the face handsome. but your legs too long, very ugly. ugly long legs."
lol. super random right..
so i turned to her and said "but all models have long legs that's why pretty." and she replied "no i don't like. too long. very ugly." (she meant the puppy only.)
until another day! <3
12:50 AM;
♥ Tuesday, May 05, 2009
watching the ellen degeneres show now.
she had an interview with
zac efron and john garcia. loveeeeee!
invited singer is demi lovato.
ANW, i replied my last piece of patience to miss qinliu to her spammed tags on her tagboard.
mind you it was one full page on her tagboard. damn loser right. she cannot even vouch for her own stand. and when i tell her the 'mistakes' for the things she said, she changes her stand. weak luh.
failure too.
and now she killed everyone's zeal to adjust her full-of-mistakes stand and attitude problem. =0
so i'm the last man standing.
i'm also very sian liao lor. talk to her really vomit blood can! (i'm feeling sibei singlish)
OH WELL. shall stop updating myself and checking ugly people out.
shall watch tv (BAHHH), do some blogshopping and entertain my boyfriend instead!
and i just saw the making of monsters inc. SO FUNNY.
the kids who act as the kids in the cartoon.. their job is just to scream...
and they seriously, super scream. LOL. damn cute.
okay random. BYEEEE~~
5:28 PM;
♥ Monday, May 04, 2009
FRESH FROM HER TAGBOARD! (i don't understand the sentence on the top. oh well.)
- QQ
who wanna b PEA BRAIN zac's ex...Shouting our for FAT BABE...its nt 'cat' , its Qliu fcuking 'nick .NOOB +DUMB
- QQ
i don hav to show off in blogging FCUK brains..i like to KPO..coz can get to noe wat sorelosers..giv a better names...fresh pls! i came frm pussy huts
(undoubtedly!) - QQ
did sombody say sth ?..OMG...president...they tink they are pornstars...president read their porn blogs..so awesome...come la..president HCare lor
this goes to show, they're all of the same kind. QQ: what porn blogs? pussy huts? fuck brains? better names? something fresh?you're an insolent sourpuss, a yabbering wimp, a repulsive douchebag.your unceasing criticisms is better used on yourself. go give your snatch a good throb and stop repeating yourself.fancy YOU of all people calling others pea-brain. compared to you, at least we still have brains.so i think that isn't at all a bad thing.beware of the next attack of the wantons. ROAR
shall prepare for skating! =\
until tonight when i'm surfing the net again..
i'll be back.
InformationName: QiNliU aka JiNkiX KiNkiX.Age: 21 year old (but underdeveloped brains)Email: qinliu.88@hotmail.com/qinliu_dog@hotmail.com (THAT IS HER EMAIL. really-.-)URL: http://thebeautyorcrueltyoflife-love.blogspot.comFacebook: http://ja-jp.facebook.com/people/JiNkix-KinKix/1550149858i was oblivious to the events that was happening on my tagboard until my informant msned me with tags: "tagboard, bitch, crazy, read."fyi QiNliU(how old already still type like that), i'm not a fan of your blog, someone told me about it so i went to look.I blogged it cus i know you read my blog (duh), so whether he's sorry or not (doesn't matter), i want you to know you're really despicable and i'll never be sorry for being mean.
oh btw, can someone explain what " you really gave me a good laugh at yourself." means?
i'm confused.
me, a wannabe wanton? why would i want to be like you? i'm like
times better off being myself.i wrote the entry to get you agitated and there, it has realised. the words you girls hurled at me are better kept for yourselves. thank you much.also, i don't wanna f*** you even if i'm lesbian(2nd reminder), so f*** off instead.go visit the person who tagged you - http://absolutaffairs.blogspot.com (VIBRATORS!)(i didn't know you were really into this. dang. people will barf 2 milliseconds into watching you, so don't post it on sites, people might die.)- honey-
LOL!Brainless *****es usually like to pick on innocent people!Just Ignore them la,wasting ur time~Haha.Brainless and Slut~Haha.Suay Chee!LOL!!
- - QQmeii
they really suay chee... LOL!
- QQmeii
their pussy grew too much hair ' boom ,amazon forest ' nv shave but instead shoved their pig heads into other ppl's assholes --WOOOO grosss !!
- QQmeii
WATS WATS on ur blog , i nv view bfore, but once viewed wat i saw ?!!!...corrupted by malaysian Whores?? let them go back to their "hantu" kampong hut
apparently QQ is her mei. must be those out-dated jie, kor, di, mei relationship. but who cares, it's all for her and her no brainer chums.oh btw, your dumb friend thinks i'm malaysian too? lol. i'm singaporean and i love to insult rude, shallow and typical singaporeans who annoy me.to all the slow processing pentium 0.05 brains, take your time to read. =)
okay here i go. no niceties.
(maybe i'll be the next xx. lol. criticize people and become famous. respect.)
#1. Just ignore them la, wasting ur time. Brainless and slut. (wth is suay chee)
honey-: well, please ask your friend what she said first. she's really good at throwing the f word around, so if you don't actually know the f word can offend ppl, do some research. otherwise, tell her to use her words wisely.#2. QQ: who cares if my bush is more developed than the amazon? i don't flash it around, i don't wank and i'm not a nympho. so does it matter if i shave or not? besides, there's nobody whom i'll show my bush to. i'm a chaste old-fashioned idiot (unlike you).head shove into ppl's ass? who does that? people do it to you? wow then i must say you got a really loose (x
) hole.. i'm certain you'll be highly paid by drug traffickers to stuff the dope into those holes while the police are doing scans/checks when overseas. ha.#3. what's wrong with being malaysian? you have to pick on people's nationality? if you've a problem with it then don't drink the water they provide us with.whores! joke! at least being a whore is a licensed occupation. on top of that, they're wanted by men. at least they're upright about it compared to those who secretly buy a vibrator and wank themselves while watching porn.#4. well if we look like hantus, you look like you!AND WE STILL LOOK BETTER!!! ( LYNN has pwned QiNliU's head for 250 gold.)#5. DON'T MESS WITH PEOPLE'S SURNAMES. F-edUp. lowdown move.(pick on my surname, funny is it? bloody moron.)#6. hot latina wannabe -> help by shoving my head up an elephant's ass?Question: what link is there?Answer: No link.#7. a wanton calling me a whore, slut, prostitute, 烂女人. i need to digest. unfathomable.BABOS love love me? Gabor Babos?! i don't mind if he loves me. =) good-looking chap. haha.and dii, who are you? lol. and how the hell have i offended you? dolt.
lastly, you all stupidly came to my blog, hurled all the weirdest insults ever, hoping to achieve what?
the people who come here are most likely to be friends of mine. doing what you did will only get even more people to know about what snide remarks you randomly give and how abhorrent you all really are.
oh, and if you want to tag, don't say such tacky things. we have parents and kids reading our blogs. don't contaminate our boards with what your filthy mind has to say.
so if you're not ashamed already, go on, spam the tagboard (wisely) and refresh my blog every 10 minutes when you're free.RED is to QINLIU, in reply to what you said on your blog.
BLUE is to QQ, in reply to what she said in my tagboard.
repost for an idiot who can't read properly.
seriously, which nincompoop thinks i mistook QQ as Qinliu?
so now who's the one who never use their brains to think?
QINLIU, i give you respect for?Respect is earned, not given. whether you like me or not, i don't give a shit.
i don't have the guts? tell me about it.
let me see you do some slides on skates. =) how about just NORMAL skating?
say nasty stuff without looking into the mirror... AIYO. L on the forehead. autistic remark.
extra emphasis on this phrase:your ultimate intelligence is my stupidity.
besides, it's mind over matter.i don't mind cus you don't matter.
5:08 PM;

i just copied and pasted whatever i could.
i hate paint, seriously.
i need adobe photoshop but stupid windows vista needs don't-know-what administrator advice to install adobe cs2. cranky. grrrrr.
i will think of what to reply after i've bathed and my breakfast.
anw, i think i look into the mirror 2 million times more than she does.
i'm good stuff alright. LOL. sibei bhb. =b
i just don't see why i should respect a person who doesn't give others respect.
someone who throws such heavy words at strangers should deserve respect?
WAIT LONG LONG. not happy?
shall update later.
i'm waiting for my new phone phone phone to arrive. just 2 weeks.
and another 24 more days to BTT. AHHHHHHHHH!!~
10:18 AM;
♥ Saturday, May 02, 2009

update! i'm in it this time. never-say-die really.
Wanton qinliu, of course i know what i'm doing.
i'm blogging. duh.
btw, 9.5/10 of the things you say aren't related/have no link at all. moron.
did i say QQ = Qinliu? if you know how to read, you will notice who i'm getting at.
and your email
qinliu_dog@hotmail.com, why explain to me? i will look at it how i want to.
i can fill in the blanks. underscore( _ ) =
look like,
is a and
forever a.
lol. depends on how creative each indivdual can be, and i'm super creative.
you have friendster and meet new friends? pffftt..
publishing you? you meant PUBLICISE FOR you? geez.
i publish what i want to when i click on the
publish post button in
my blogger.
what i publish is at my freedom to and it's not for you to decide.
mind my language?
i never hurled any profanities and am using english and words that came from a dictionary(except for short forms/singlish like cus, luh, lor, hor).
loser(comes in any dictionary eg. oxford, except yours) luh you.
there're no big shot president or prime minister reading our blogs.
they're just some ordindary people whom we respect(i guess it doesn't come in your dictionary either) so the things your friends say in our tagboards are not appropriate for them to read.
and thanks for posting a 'banner' for me. i will have extra hits, i like.
yea, indeed i'm beautiful.. compared to you. =b
a good thing that we weren't entitled to be in the selections for the beijing/shanghai thing, if not i'd probably have to leave the house wee hours in the morning without having any sleep.
and i'm not feeling aggresssive at all so i'll suck at whatever-i'm-supposed-to-do.
been pretty disturbed by qy's fall and his injury. withdrawal symptoms. ='c
Last night, DBL O WAS FUN and i lost my virgin. you see, i practise abstinence from alcohol but i drank a cup of apple shooter as a toast to kat!
i was more wild than i was any other nights cus there were girls.. girls.. and more girls!
kat, maria, ziyi, jaslyn, vivian and marcel(!!!). CAUTION: HOT HOT HOT.
sad fel, becca and jasmine didn't turn up. if not.. DAMNHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOT.
and ah pu challenged me, idiot.
ah pu: "lynn cannot dance luh. never see her dance at all.." and i went boom boom pow!
so he calls at 9pm and says "if tmr no selections then i don't think i'm going to skate alr. see first, i'll call you and let you know if i can get the car and pick you up after dbl o end."
#1. he went to skate with other random friends.
not something that i knew of until someone else told me at 3am when dbl o ended. i called him to find out. indeed, he skated with other friends, and he's in jalan besar playing lan at 3am.
#2. no msges, no calls, no news from him.
9pm - 3am, 6 hours in total and not a single news. god knows what he was doing.
#3. he didn't manage to get the car so he couldn't pick me up.
well, no news from him so how would i know he cannot make it? I HAVE TO CALL HIM TO FIND OUT FOR MYSELF when he said he'll tell me about it. hold my hopes so high just to smash it, not funny.
#4. he said
hello? HELLO? hello? i cannot hear you, got bad reception. hello?!"
but when i hung, he didn't even have the initiative to call back. i waited for maybe 5 mins.. and decided "wtf need me call him again." so i called. same thing happened so i used a friend's phone to call and said "USE SOMEONE ELSE'S PHONE TO CALL ME" and hung up. f-ed up.
#5. he's waiting for his friend to finish playing lan and send him home at 5.25am.
5.25am and i'm waiting for someone to get home so
maybe, just maybe i could sleep over. nope. i only managed to get home at 7.30am safely MUCH MUCH thanks to wilson for keeping me in and javier for sending me home.
friends will be there forever, boyfriend?
well, i don't know if these are eligible reasons to get pissed off.. but i am pissed.
it's not that people don't know i get pissed easily (not for a long time though if you know how to appease me and if you're of great importance) and of all people..
the person who's supposed to know me best..
i really give up trying sometimes.
EVERYONE HAS THEIR LIMITS. SO THERE'LL BE A TIME WHERE IT COMES TO A POINT WHERE YOU KNOW THERE IS NO POINT IN TRYING ANYMORE.if those are not eligble reasons to get angry then i'm going to be an eligble single lady.
1:47 PM;
♥ Friday, May 01, 2009
Just added a new music playlist. =)
1st song is Just Stand Up by too-many-to-mention female artists for Up to cancer! campaign.
listen to the songs in the playlist!
well, i just watched the labour day special, britney spears: for the record on chn5.
i feel bad cus i looked at her at how the tabloids wrote about her.
i cried, to be honest. ='(well, that's cus i disliked her at first, and even more when 'she went crazy'.
i believe things she said in the video is real, about her shaved head and her beating up the paparazzi, she wasn't crazy like they said. she has been through too much.
you think luh, someone who got into the limelight at such a young age, got together with another famous male celebrity (justin timberlake), broke up, found another boyfriend who later got married to (kevin federline), had 2 kids and then got divorced..
and there, the years where she's supposed to be enjoying life the most just went by in a flash.
after being so messed up, she got chased all over america by the paparazzis, got screamed at by random people, got teased, mocked and laughed at..
from the video, i think she just wants to lead a normal life like everyone else cus she said "one day, i'll retire and get married to someone who really loves me and live happily with my 2 babies(her kids)." and when she said that, her managers and crew laughed.
and continues with the interviewer "people don't take what i say seriously. most of the times i can get what i want but the most simple things that i want most in life, i cannot get. i'm sad. i really am very sad."
something so simple is so difficult for her to realise.
you all should try to find the video and watch it.
her MTVs from her album
Circus are damn hot. =)
(lucy liu also damn hot! WOO!~ random.)
okay, shall prepare soon for the party later.
i shall have a bit of fun tonight. bahh. busy busy.
5:20 PM;